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Kim Petras

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its very very weird seeing kim petras, be kim petras, and her label kinda turning her into that girl who gets on features with all the general public radio artists. i feel like meghan trainor is just the epitome of that audience right now. really did not expect that for her career trajectory but im glad it seems to be working out for her because she does have some good songs that deserve more attention. made you look is just unlistenably stale and annoying to me though.


also that cover art is abysmal like did a middle schooler photoshop that together....

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Just now, slayyyngel said:

also that cover art is abysmal like did a middle schooler photoshop that together....

my personal theory is that they made the song and they were like "omg its gonna come out on this day!" and then like 6 hours before it dropped they realized they forgot to make a cover and threw that piece of shit together

long live archie <3

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3 hours ago, comeintomybedroom said:

thats Your Wish Is My Command I cannot take anyone seriously you guys hated slut pop and didnt listen to slut pop!

The ep was so bad that it was worth only one listening session of course some ppl can’t associate/remember it


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14 hours ago, XCX Archivist said:

my personal theory is that they made the song and they were like "omg its gonna come out on this day!" and then like 6 hours before it dropped they realized they forgot to make a cover and threw that piece of shit together

anyone can do better with picsart in 5 minutes trust me…

come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever

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After that last live performance makes me even more sad how her career choices are going… like the girl clearly has talent And can pull out a live performance with stellar vocals but whatever her manegement team is going for is not working. Its like she cant stick to a theme or vision so she keeps releasing random songs trying to fake a viral moment. What a messy roll out!! Also her trying to jump to the TikTok trend… cringe :facepalm:

Brrr or IJWAR are not bad, just not memorable at all… And the last collaborations totally unnecesary (Jenny, Made U Look, Unholy… like WTF) that cover also… OMG! Is hard to believe It is not supposed to be funny :toofloppy: so camp! 


Clarity was her last coherent move, girlie cant catch a break! Pretty sure her label is paying her dust, soon they will drop her :pls:


When u keep changing sound and image so often It seems ungenuine And the public loses interest, just saying… long ago I lost mine :bebe:


Lefant Terrible remains her best song since Clarity era, Fight me! Don’t know why she doesnt release it

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All Right, Ive been listening to the Problematique era outtakes and some arent as bad as I remember, but It still lacks Any soul or origanility. Also some tracks dont feel from the same album, like some are Slut Pop rejects And others like Malibu, Coconuts or Kim Kim Kim… well


For me the tracklist that makes more sense is:


1. Revelations

2. Future Starts Now

3. Problematique

4. Left My Body

5. Confessions

6. Lenfant Terrible

7. All She Wants (feat. Paris Hilton)

8. Born Again

9. Je T’adore

10. Dance To Forget

11. Love Ya Leave Ya

12. Your Turn to Cry

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On 1/27/2023 at 9:34 AM, TrashMagiq said:

If I was a conspiracy theorist I would def believe she's going through some Illuminati humiliation ritual right now in exchange for stardom and mainstream success.


I love it when you speak, right down to your jump scare image signature.

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