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Rina Sawayama

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idk guys,the album wasnt bad but it lacks something.


It lacks soul.

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This could have been a better album had it been shortened imo:

1. Hold The Girl

2. Frankenstein

3. Your Age

4. Imagining

5. Send My Love To John

6. Hurricanes

7. This Hell

8. Holy

9. Catch Me In The Air

10. Phantom


And obviously with the HTG single cover as the album cover


But yeah overall it's a downgrade from her first two projects but it's still great imo

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my ranking for now:

1 Holy (Till You Let Me Go)
2 Imagining
3 Catch Me In The Air
4 Hold The Girl
5 Your Age
6 To Be Alive
7 Frankenstein
8 Minor Feelings
9 Phantom
10 Hurricanes
11 Forgiveness
12 Send My Love to John
13 This Hell


where is Flavour of the Month? Our Japanese friends need to come thru


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i know i already gave my review but let me just post my ranking




1. hurricanes (12/10 - cleared my skin watered my crops evaporated my trauma etc)

2. holy (til you let me go) (11/10 - dance pop from heaven)

3. imagining (11/10 - hyperpop from heaven)

4. hold the girl (11/10 - the gen z version of like a prayer)

5. catch me in the air (10/10 - excellent pop rock)

6. frankenstein (10/10 - getting punched in the stomach but it's an aesthetic)

7. forgiveness (9.5/10 - classic rock but yassified)

8. minor feelings (9/10 - excellent intro; -1 point for not having much replay value)

9. your age (8.5/10 - very solid song; gets a little stale after multiple plays)

10. this hell (8/10 - inoffensive bop)

11. phantom (8/10 - very good song but hurricanes, forgiveness & catch me in the air are superior)

12. send my love to john (7.5/10 - i appreciate the sentiment but it falls a little flat especially placed where it's at in the tracklist)

13. to be alive (7/10 - the chosen family of the album, although it's significantly better than it)



edit: to be alive clicked hard like 5 minutes after i posted this i'd put it between forgiveness & minor feelings with a 9


overall this is a 10, a hard slay & a gift straight from the bottom of mother lake

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phantom is a masterpiece of a song. your age is a bop. forgiveness and frankenstein are good. the singles are cute. everything else looks straight out of the credits of a teenage disney movie. huge stepdown from sawayama

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just did some researching and this might already be known but the japanese cd is actually released the 17th (so tomorrow for me, i guess it's technically already the 17th in japan) so flavor of the month should be released shortly


also my cd is coming the 19th so i will send pics of that when it comes

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