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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Posts posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. So now we know Sitar sits naked in the dark with his headphones on singing give me the brite lights just like me. Fuck it, wanna touch dicks in the dark sometime?


    Don't leave me out of this! I'll do anything!


    I'll make you chilled avocado soup!



    I'll buy you maple syrup lemonade!



    I'll even refrain from calling SitarHero basic! okay i can't really promise you on that one


    I'll actually do something as a moderator!

  2. at the end of the day it's a music video tbh~ she didn't mean to offend anyone or deliver some deep message. all she properly wanted to do was create a beautiful video symbolising freedom and telling a bit of 'her story'...


    I personally don't think she would have included the monologue and made the video 10 minutes long if there wasn't a deeper message she was trying to convey. I mean, the deeper message can be as simple as freedom, sure, but there is always more to look into with Lana. She's just mysterious like that and it's a part of her appeal as an artist and celebrity. I agree with Mattiern here.


    It seems like you're shooting down any chance of there being a deeper message or anything profound by simply saying "It's a music video." Maybe it means much more than just a "music video" to Lana? I don't know, just because it's a music video doesn't mean it can't have a meaning or be some deep or profound piece of art.


    Art can be as simple or as complicated as the artist wants it to be, and it's the job of their audience/fanbase to figure it out to the best of their ability! Otherwise, I doubt Lana would have shared such an emotional video with us. She did it for herself as well as us, I think.


    All I mean is that we don't need to find some deeper meaning, and we should just take it as it is and enjoy it. We don't need to read between the lines, scrutinise every frame, find how it connects to other things. It's a beautiful video~ and I think any profound meaning is personal to Lana, and she did it for herself, not necessarily for us.


    I think you're being quite self-contradicting here. I see you sometimes on the Lanalysis thread, reading between the lines with others and trying to find out how Lana's lyrics connect to things she's done. Why not do that with the music videos too? You're right in that we don't need to find a deeper meaning, but some people really enjoy doing that and you shouldn't scrutinize them for it. I think it's a beautiful video as well, and sometimes I think people look too much into things like you said, while other times, I love trying to find out why she did this and why she did that. Just my thoughts on things.


    Anyway, onto my actual opinion of the video! I think it's gorgeous. I understand a bit of both sides of the headdress argument, and it's all speculation until Lana addresses the issue herself, really. Maybe she was trying to symbolize freedom or something, or just didn't think it would be such a big deal to people. I think it's insensitive too, but I'm kind of superficial like Lana is, so in all honesty my first thought when seeing the headdress was, "That's a really gorgeous headpiece, and Lana looks good in it." I do think the gun bit and its inclusion in that part of the song was overdoing it, but I see the points some other people made and it could have been intentional on her part to convey a different message. I definitely believe it's her best video yet and it got me even more excited for the album, which I didn't think was possible! :)

  3. HDB would be going around liking everyone’s comments,


    the Auto-Tuned Loon would be an ASSHOLE shitting all over the place and making horrid sounds (that would cause HDB to swoon),


    I tried to refrain from liking this post to prove a point, but it was too hard.


    I love you. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

  4. It's funny cause we are talking about this but in the grand scheme of things, nothing is really going to change, Lana is just going to be written up on a few native blogs and this is all going to be forgotten about in a week.


    I don't think you understand that we have nothing better to do. :usrs:

  5. WAIT. Is that Chuck? No, she can't be that much of an asshole.




    Hey, do you think that in this same parallel universe Ahmed is still looking for his microphone to host Reydio? ...


    Of course he is! He also never had to flee the country or go to jail or whatever (?), and he's happily sitting at home making Lana mixtapes with no backlash at all.


    Thanks guys, i'll be here all week. You should really try the fish, i hear it's good, i'm friends with the cook, so.


    As long as it comes with some avacados. :usrs:

  6. I think that in some parallel universe one of the biker dudes in Ride is black, and in this parallel universe lanadelrey.fm never went down and PinupGirls is right now writing a post about how even though he loves black people, he just doesn't get why one of the bikers had to be black.


    Maybe in the near future, when Lana releases something country-exclusive, Moy can come to the rescue and make a fake iTunes for that country and buy the songs for us all. :flutter:

  7. Maybe you're right, but the way I see it, I think it would be cool, like a sort of 'tradition' I don't know.

    Just a piece of her past, of herself. I mean you could read several poems from the same writer without it being boring, if the subject is different and if each one is beautiful on their own...

    But oh well what do I know, maybe if she starts doing it, it turn out to be really lame


    I understand what you're saying, and it makes perfect sense! I love traditions and stuff like that, I personally just don't think it should apply here, in her videos. To each their own, though. I feel like a *good* Lana tradition is how she puts many of her own videos together herself. I see that as more of a tradition than making an ~emoshunal~ speech at the end of every music video. Your poems example/analogy/whatever is pretty good, I see what you're saying but I just disagree in this situation! Don't let my opinion make you second-guess yourself though, if you like it, you like it. :)

  8. It's so beautiful.

    I actually liked her NA monologue, and I love this one and I wouldn't mind it at all if she makes it a kind of habbit to include a monologue in every music video. They just seem so emotional, personal and beautiful.


    I think that if she did them for every video, it would get repetitive and boring. It would really take away from the emotional and personal value of the monologues themselves if she did them for every video, or even every other video. It's just like any other thing really, the more it's done, the more its value dereases.

  9. OMG. Can we please make it a thing where we record ourselves reading the letter? I want to hear people's voices! :3


    and no this is not an excuse just to hear Riley's voice again...

    also HDB's voice because he is a sexy beast and i need some audio for when i sleep






    omg this is so offensive




    so racist




    complete misuse of race and religion




    how insensitive



    I know you're being sarcastic, but that stuff is offensive and insensitive. You wouldn't understand because you're not apart of those cultures (I am assuming this because your use of sarcasm in the post) but it's really not respectful to the people of that culture. I mean, who the hell wants to be represented by Ke$ha? I doubt Native Americans, had they known that such a... mess of a modern day pop star was representing them with her clothing, would be very happy to see her degrading their culture with a headdress that probably represents something she's got no knowledge about, or could be completely offensive in doing so. Celebs do that shit to get attention which makes it even worse. I'm not always good at explaining things, but I doubt you would like it if someone from another country tried to represent your people and their culture only for attention, and not because they actually take an interest in it. Also, they would probably give off false info/vibes in general of your culture since it's not something they are really familiar with. Again, I suck at explaining things so I'm sorry. I'll try to put it in easier terms if I can, that make more sense.


    "Oh, I'm going to take this culture and completely ignore its values and aspects, and expose it only for its fashionable qualities. That's not offensive or insensitive at all! After all, I'm only doing it for attention, so it's no big deal."

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