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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Posts posted by Hundred Dollar Bill


    HDB, check these out. I wanted to give you something more tangible rather than a rambling post.


    Here’s Wouldn’t It Be Nice by The Beach Boys in mono (how it was originally mixed in 1966) and a modern stereo mix of the song.


    First Stereo:



    Make sure you do NOT turn the volume all the way up, leave a little room to play the mono back louder. Listen to the clarity and separation. You can pick certain instruments apart. In this mix you can actually hear that, yes, indeed, the driving force of the backing track is two accordions! Listen to how the background vocals pop out and shimmer. Listen to the bed of horns and all the percussion. You can hear different parts weaving in and out and you feel the sound sort of enveloping you from all around, like you're in a pool that's filled with the music rather than water. The song has a certain elegance in stereo.


    Now Mono:



    Turn the volume up slightly louder than you did the stereo mix. All of the aforementioned is gone. Everything blends. It’s like the whole song is one big well-oiled machine, all the parts indistinguishable from each other, coming together to create a whole. It’s not about the details at all (many of which are lost!) but rather the big picture. If everything before was a collection of separate sounds, this is just one big mass of a single sound, but listen to the power that it carries. It’s like a train that’s coming straight at you and it’s going to rip your head off.



    Is one "better" than the other? Of course not, it comes down to personal preference. But it also doesn't have to be about one or the other. To me, they're BOTH essential, they both have their own value for totally different reasons. When i listen to the stereo mix, i marvel at the intricacies of the composition, arrangement, and production and i think, Wow, Brian Wilson was not of this earth. How the fuck did he compose, arrange, produce, and sing this? When i listen to the mono mix i just FEEL the song and it makes me want to cry.



    I really felt the difference now that you've pointed it out and I've paid attention to it. That was a really awesome experience! Thank you for that. I definitely felt the "train" effect that you were talking about in the mono mix, especially towards the last minute of the song. I think I'm going to make duplicate files for the songs on Paradise Edition and convert them to mono so I can listen to them next to each other like I just did with these songs. I know I'll always prefer stereo though, I'm a very attention-to-detail person in terms of music and a few other things. You're awesome!

  2. Anyone notice that Blue Velvet, Bel Air, and Yayo are in mono?! :O I think there's a better chance though of one of us getting killed by an elephant dropping from a skyscraper than these songs appearing in mono on the Paradise release (the Blue Velvet single is in stereo) but, damn, that would be great. Too bad it'll never happen.


    Why would you prefer that? I hate mono, it makes it seem like the song is confined by space. Is it one of those Monicker things, where my puny knowledge of audiophiles is squashed by your ever-knowing greatness?



  3. I need Supernatural in my life right now.


    Only one I'm looking forward to. Die Young was terrible, terrible, terrible. She's on a downward slope imo. I loved Animal, it faded out, kind of liked Cannibal, it faded out even faster. Now, hearing Die Young, I just cringe thinking about how bad Warrior will probably be. Ke$ha is just a mess. She took too long to release this and I don't even think it'll turn out the way she initially promoted for it to, what with the Rock 'n Roll vibes/direction she said she was going for with the album. It's probably just another Top 40 mess. I hope I like it though. I loved the snippet for Supernatural.

  4. While reading back over my post, I've noticed that there is a large amount of.. sass in my responses. Beware!

    I have tried my very best to make use of some emoticons to lighten the sass but it might not be enough for wary eyes.


    I like Lana Del Ray/Rey AKA Lizzy Grant so much more than Born to Die. I feel like Born to Die is very "packaged" with it's sound and presentation. AKA just feels so natural in many aspects, it just flows better. Born to Die on the other hand just sounds overproduced on a whole.


    That's not really an unpopular opinion. :P


    - I despise 'Lucky Ones', even the demo sucks


    Not an unpopular opinion, but that's okay, because you're not alone in beling completely bonkers for not appreciating the best song on BTD. I'm not surprised though, being that Dark Paradise is your username. :P (It almost hurt to be that sassy... almost).


    - One of my favourite unreleased songs is 'Daddy Issues'


    Yay, an actual unpopular opinion here! I love it too, and it almost makes up for your hatred of Lucky Ones... until I saw this:


    - Another favourite is 'Match Made In Heaven'


    While this is an unpopular opinion, OMG EW EW EWE WEW EWE W EWEEWEWWWWWWW.


    - I dislike the new version of 'Yayo' as well


    But... it's Yayo. Yayo is perfect no matter what. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:


    Most of the negative opinions are unpopular, and most of the unpopular opinions are negative.


    True, but I've seen a lot of posts in here that are just blatant negativity and not unpopular opinions at all. I'm fine with people having negative things to say about Lana & her music (trust me, I've got a few things I could say myself), but this isn't the thread for that!


    Deal with it.


    Wow sassy. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:


    EDIT: To word this in a less snarky way --> When most of the fanbase consists of people saying "OMG SHE'S FLAWLESS", negative opinions become unpopular opinions. Just because they're negative doesn't mean that they are not ~valid unpopular opinions/criticisms~ and not worth sharing, nor is it worth even pointing out.


    I know, we know. Like I said, it just isn't the thread for it really because I've seen so many posts that are less unpopular and more just negative thoughts. BLARGH! How about we take our frustrations out in a more appropirate thread? I'll buy you some new balls of yarn! :)



  5. It's also called a challenge for a reason. Some are meant to be harder than others, but whether you pull it through and create a good entry determins whether you are strong enough to win the competition.




    Ugh, you're right. Sorry for complaining.


    Howdy, I know I'm not in the position to talk, but I looked at Lana collage videos and it took me a while to figure out what I'd need to make one myself. All I use is iMovie and Google chrome + the YouTube downloader extension, easy as that. I don't use ANYTHING else except those 3 things to make my video. My first video to "Carmen" was a hot mess really, it just was all over the place with timing and the sandwiching in of Laura Palmer clips *shudders*, but nonetheless. I suggest since you have a few days, if you have a mac use iMovie, download Chrome if you don't have it already, and then search for the YouTube downloader extension - if you need any help finding it - just message me :) With the few days you have once you have that equipment, (note, if you don't have iMovie, I'm sure possibly Windows Movie Maker can work as well - or just illegally download Sony Vegas or Final Cut) practice cutting and pasting clips to the beats of the songs. I usually pay attention to what instrument is providing the strongest mood of the verse and cut and paste clips to the beat of that instrument and that way it flows the best. I'm really sorry if what I'm saying makes no sense. Also, I felt the same way for the last challenge, I have no photo editing skills whatsoever, so I found it nearly impossible to compete with these other people that post amazing covers in the Fan Art section. Also, I'm sure once all you start making the collage video, your videos will be better than mine ;)


    Thank you for the advice! I'm sure your video will be awesome. :)

  6. This is kind of unfair for people who can't afford video-making software/are unable to download it. I feel like this challenge is kind of directly aimed at one member since he always makes cool Lana videos, and no one else has shown the capability to do it, nevertheless do it well. I feel like there should be an alternative for people who can't get the resources to do this/have absolutely no experience with it.

  7. Tried to edit some incorrect lyrics posts and I'm getting the 403 ERROR message that everyone else is talking about. Tired of this shit tbh, it's not the first time I've gotten the message. It doesn't seem to like long posts of any kind unless they are just really big paragraphs with no special editing. What's the problem? I switched from Safari to Google Chrome like Eulonzo did but it didn't work in getting rid of the error message. Can you please look into this, lots of people seem to be having the problem.



  8. Wow, this has got to be one of her best, if not the best live performance she's done. I am really impressed.

    Lana, please tho, we need a new setlist. I think we deserve one by now. Sing Cola and Gods & Monsters. :teehee:


    Edit: I'm now on MDM, and with every live performance I hear of it, the more I wish she didn't hold back so much with the vocals in the studio version. I love it when she hits those crazy notes in the chorus.

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