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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Posts posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. OMG. Can we please make it a thing where we record ourselves reading the letter? I want to hear people's voices! :3


    and no this is not an excuse just to hear Riley's voice again...

    also HDB's voice because he is a sexy beast and i need some audio for when i sleep






    omg this is so offensive




    so racist




    complete misuse of race and religion




    how insensitive



    I know you're being sarcastic, but that stuff is offensive and insensitive. You wouldn't understand because you're not apart of those cultures (I am assuming this because your use of sarcasm in the post) but it's really not respectful to the people of that culture. I mean, who the hell wants to be represented by Ke$ha? I doubt Native Americans, had they known that such a... mess of a modern day pop star was representing them with her clothing, would be very happy to see her degrading their culture with a headdress that probably represents something she's got no knowledge about, or could be completely offensive in doing so. Celebs do that shit to get attention which makes it even worse. I'm not always good at explaining things, but I doubt you would like it if someone from another country tried to represent your people and their culture only for attention, and not because they actually take an interest in it. Also, they would probably give off false info/vibes in general of your culture since it's not something they are really familiar with. Again, I suck at explaining things so I'm sorry. I'll try to put it in easier terms if I can, that make more sense.


    "Oh, I'm going to take this culture and completely ignore its values and aspects, and expose it only for its fashionable qualities. That's not offensive or insensitive at all! After all, I'm only doing it for attention, so it's no big deal."

  3. Challenged myself to write cheesier and more self-indulgent monologues than that.


    This should be a challenge in The Paradise Edition competition that Riley is doing.

    Whoever writes the cheesiest Lanaesque monologue wins the challenge! :creep:

    Riley, I am totally kidding. Please let's not do this. I mean, I could, I just don't want to.

  4. Another monologue? Personally, I found her first monologue in the "National Anthem" video a bit cheesy and self-indulgent. This is just too much. #unpopularopinion


    I don't think the NA monologue was necessary at all, but I like this one. I definitely don't want another monologue though.

  5. Hey guys! As we all know, Maru is busy with school this week so I've taken up the awesome responsibility of getting to interview our 5th member of the week, TrailerParkDarling! She was awesome with the questions and answered a lot of the millions that I sent her. I hope you guys enjoy this interview as much as I did, she's got some really awesome answers to our questions. Also, let's thank the heavens that she came back after leaving the forum! I was so.... DEVASTATED when she left, I... I didn't know what I was going to do with my life! :blush: Anyway, on with the interview! :)


    Member of the Week: TrailerParkDarling



    1.) When did you become a fan of Lana? What was it about her that attracted you to her?

    I had been intent on scrolling past posts about Lana on a celebrity gossip website that I used to frequent- I had watched a bit of the video for "Video Games" and had written it off as boring-hipster-super 8 crap. (Video Games is actually one of my favorite Lana songs now) One day I saw a post for the "Born to Die" video and thought it looked really different from VG and decided to give it

    a try. Upon first watching, I thought it was incredibly weird and that her voice was very deep. However, over the next couple of days I found myself re-watching the video and downloading the song and re-enacting the video. From there, I was obsessed. I think what attracted me to Lana was how cinematic the song sounded .. it was like nothing that I'd heard in a long time and stood out from what I had been listening to. And of course, the video was beautiful.. I wanna get married and die at the Palace of Fontainebleau.


    2.) What's your current career? What's your dream job?

    I'm a senior in college. I still don't know what I want to do exactly. I know what I'm going to do after graduation but I'm not sure if it's what I want. (I've switched my major a couple times before the one I have now) My dream job would be something in film like video editing or possibly writing. This is a pipe dream.


    3.) What are your hobbies?

    I like reading .. but I have to be really interested in a book.. same with watching movies. I like politics and having intellectual and thoughtful conversations with people and, I don't know, hanging out with my little sister.


    4.) Who are your favourite artists?

    Excluding Lana, I like a little bit of something in every genre besides maybe like.. Gregorian chants? I love The Doors.. Jim Morrison is to me what Elvis is to Lana. Love Eric Clapton, Violent Femmes, Fiona Apple, Miles Davis, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen. And then like classic country like Tammy Wynette or fun pop like Sky Ferreira or Rooney.


    5.) What would you consider your greatest accomplishment(s)?

    Getting through school without any financial help, I suppose.


    6.) What is a characteristic/trait you see in others that you wish you had?

    I wish I was nicer and more outgoing sometimes. I've been told that I'm not very approachable and that makes me sad.


    7.) What did you do today?

    Skipped class, went to Starbucks, saw my boyfriend, and here I am.


    8.) Put your iPod/music library on suffle and tell us which 10 songs are played. Don't skip, don't cheat!

    -- Don't judge me --

    1. Fantasea- Azealia Banks
    2. All Over You- The Spill Canvas
    3. Pin Up Galore- Lizzy Grant
    4. My Favorite Mistake- Sheryl Crow
    5. Hot Rockin'- Judas Priest
    6. Little Lover's So Polite- Silversun Pickups
    7. Sex & Candy- Marcy Playground
    8. Hey Young World- Slick Rick
    9. Town Without Pity- Gene Pitney
    10. Negative- Nirvana

    9.) Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were yours?

    The opposite. I had a few close friends, was pretty shy.. had a stalker my junior year, I think that was the only really interesting thing. I didn't have a bad experience but I'm not one of those people that laments about how they wish they could go back- I would never. I always did long for that classic 80's teen movie high school experience when I was in school, though. Sigh


    10.) If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say?

    I would butter her up- tell her how brilliant she is, etc etc and then if I had the courage ask about K or what she did in Alabama- cos I've been to Alabama and I could work it into the conversation, I think. And I'd get her hair lady to tease my hair up real big beauty queen style.. maybe ask to get on her computer to "send my mom an email" and send myself her personal files- kiddddding. Ask her some of her favorites- like color, philosopher, etc. Oh, and ask her dead on if she's leaving music. (But I'd probably just end up blushing the whole time, feeling inferior in her presence, and telling her I love her, let's be real)


    11.) What was the last book you read?

    Well, I'm not done with it yet but it's Kant: From The Great Philosophers - sort of an introduction to Kant and his ideas by a man named Karl Jaspers. I need a leisure book though..


    12.) Do any of the words sassy, fabulous, or flawless describe you?

    Sassy + fabulous on a good day :)


    13.) What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam kitty?

    When my boyfriend does something really nice like surprising me by making dinner, having good conversation with the people I love, when people laugh at my jokes. Trashy reality TV and spending money on shit I don't need is good, too.


    14.) What are your (pet peeves?)/(deal-breakers when it comes to friends/relationships?)

    Close minded people, ignorance, egocentricity... and when people talk really loud/ too much without thinking. I also really dislike sorority girls + frat boys. (No offense intended if one of you are/were in one)


    15.) Would you rather love and be loved or know all God knows?

    Love + be loved.. I'm pessimistic enough without knowing all that God knows and it'd be lonely not having anyone to talk about it with. *What if God was one of us plays in my head*


    16.) What would you say is your favourite physical trait + personality trait in potential partner?

    I love my boyfriend's beard even though he says he's gonna shave it.. it's not even November so idk what he's doing.. and he has really nice eyes and just everything. In potential partners, I usually like the quiet, brooding type but my boyfriend's quite the opposite so I think that's why it works


    17.) You can bring two people back from the dead, have an exquisite dinner and some great conversation with them... who would they be and what would you eat?

    Oh frick.. maybe someone like Hitler and God, if there is one. That way if he doesn't show up, we know he doesn't exist, and if he does, there's that dichotomy between good and evil at the table, and that'd be interesting to observe. (Also, just to see if Hitler asks for God's forgiveness, is regretful, etc etc)


    I'm not sure what we'd have, that's for the help to decide. *flips hair*


    18.) What's something not many people know about you?/What's something that we would be surprised to learn about?

    I'm not all that surprising. Hmmm.. I think some of you don't know that I'm a girl? So there's that!


    19.) Recommend us a song that we just have to listen to! (Can't be anything popular/Top 40 pop, etc)

    Right now the song I'm really into is True Blue by Dirty Beaches. It's v haunting and the singer has been described as Elvis' dark side.


    20.) Do you believe in any form of life after death?

    I read an interesting theory based on the first law of thermodynamics- that our soul is composed of tons of energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed. So that after we've passed, our energy just moves from one vesicle to the next. I don't know. Things like that are interesting and terrifying to think about.


    21.) What do you think your purpose is?

    Be a good person, do nice things for others, try to be happy


    22.) Are you happy with where you are in life?



    23.) What did you want to be when you were growing up? Have you become that yet? Did that decision change for you?

    It always changed and that hasn't changed!! I wanna do so much (and so little haha)


    24.) Do you like horror movies, and if so, what's your favorite? Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, or Jason Voorhees? (AUTOMATIC BAN IF YOU DON'T PICK MICHAEL. :P)

    YES! Michael, of course! I grew up watching him but I find it so funny because he walks SO slow and only comes to Haddonfield on Halloween.. so couldn't you just go out of town or.. run? lol


    25.) Which Lana album is your favorite; BTD, AKA, or Sirens?

    UGH that's mean. Sophie's Choice..agh gun to my head, I'd say AKA.


    26.) Who is the person you admire most and why?

    There's an older woman I volunteer with who is just really classy and smart so I kinda wanta adopt her as my gramma haha


    27.) If you could spend an entire day with any 3 celebrities, living or dead, who would you choose, why, and what would you do with them during that day?

    This is so hard but I'll just pick Jim Morrison, River Pheonix, and Billy Crudup cos those are my celeb crushes.. superficial but ya know.. and we'd spend the whole day talking about their lives and having a big orgy. :hooker:


    28.) Favorite Lana song? Why?

    Video Games, Never Let Me Go, Without You, Kill Kill.. and I'll go ahead and say God+Monsters. I can't name just one!!! Never Let Me Go is one of me and my boyfriend's songs, Without You is just so brilliant to me, God+Monsters mentions Jim and I just love the lyrics, and Kill Kill+Video Games include one of the best things Lana does- including sweet lyrics with a dark/sad melody.


    29.) Least favorite Lana song? Why? (Answering this question with Lucky Ones is also an automatic ban. :P)

    Lucky Ones album version is AWFUL okay but ya know I'm not too keen on This is what makes us girls- album version. Big Bad Wolf, Puppy Love and Paris are kinda eh for me, too. These are either because the beat is too hard to listen to or the lyrics are cringe worthy.


    [HDB: Smh at these members thinking I won't ban them for having a different opinion than I, sheesh.]


    30.) What are your thoughts on emotions, and the way that people express them?

    I think we only express like 1/billionth of our thoughts and that's probably a good thing.


    31.) If you ever became a musician, what would you make your stage name?

    Ivy something .. lol idk I like that name!!



    BECAUSE I'M DRAMATIC!!!!! I don't know but I came back and I am not intent on going anywhere!


    BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards?

    Thank you for voting for me!! I luv U!!! And if you didn't vote for me.. I don't think I would say anything. Just kidding! I like everyone on this forum and I'm glad we are all able to have fun discussions and I can share my Lana love because I'm not joking when I say I don't even get to utter her name in life cos no one I know likes her. :love:


    BONUS #2: Isn't SitarKitty the ugliest kitty with his boring coat of fur, and Maru and I on the sides are the absolute cutest cats you've ever seen? Don't you agree that Sitar should just STOP trying to be as cute as Maru and I because he is of subpar cuteness? Every time you come across Sitar's claims that is a great cat, don't you have this reaction: :wtf: ?

    I'm allergic to cats so you all better just stay away imo!!!



    Our reaction to TPD's allergicness to us:scared_cat.jpg




    My god, that's a lot of questions.


    Congrats TPD, I totally don't expect you to vote for me in the Mod of the Week segment coming up. :hooker: I did vote for you, after all! (No really, I did!)



    ...Well I didn't have a negative opinion and would basically agree with you, therefore I don't even know what you're talking about or why every post references me...

    #IMPACT, I guess :hottie:

    I was basically saying that you need to sit down with your basic-ass so I can have some twerking spotlight... unless you want to join! Shit, we could have a twerk party, I don't even care as long as I can shake it to Let's Have a Kiki. I put it on my iPod and I've been listening to it all morning along with CAKE LIKE LADY GAGA. I am such a white boy. :toofloppy:

  7. Finally got around to listening to the new songs, and I REAALLYLYLYLYLYLYYYYYY LOVEE Let's Have a Kiki. I could twerk all day to that shit. Sitar, you can sit down because holy shit, this shit is sexy. Seriously, sit down. Omg. Bowing down to you rn tbh.









  8. I just joined today hun.


    I know. I was referring to a different member. People have been bringing it up a lot lately and one member specifically has a way of questioning everything a moderator decides to do and is very argumentative, so I've got a short fuse with this subject. I didn't mean to come off rude.

  9. Be nice!


    I'm not being mean, I'm just tired of members asking this. I'm also tired of certain members questioning every decision moderators make, so I simply said right away for him to not even ask, because it doesn't matter why.


    Anyway, like Sitar said, maybe we can have one when the forum gets bigger, but I highly doubt it.

  10. Can we be a little bit more enforcing of NSFW laws, please? In particular, one signature/avatar set is quite bothersome.


    The painful obviousness of who you're talking about is hilarious. :creep:

    I've adressed the issue and asked him to change it.

  11. Everyone else in the world seems to think these highlighted lines are "Sweet serial killer" too, but I can't make myself hear it that way. Does anyone else hear "It's a real killer" at these spots? I know I'm not losing my mind, there's only five syllables there... right?


    Oh my god. :O

    I heard this initially too! I always thought it was It's a real killer until I read the lyrics someone posted, then I listened closely and I heard Sweet serial killer too. I like the way It's a real killer sounds better, but the latter makes more sense in the overall song.

    Ugh, don't you just HATE it when you're listening to a song and the artist gets the lyrics wrong? Sheesh. :P

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