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About ExoticFlower

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  • Birthday 12/31/1993

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    Born to die

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About Me

Oh God. Here we go  :facepalm: 


I'm from Norway, I live in the so called oil capital (google that shit). I live with my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister and my mentally challenged cat. I love them all. Especially my cat  :D 


So right about now I'm in a weird place where I just exist and wobble around in my life with very little purpose. I try to find my direction, guess I have to start studying and quit my job before I end up in a limbo-like state. I never thought I'd actually say this, but I kinda miss school. After working for two years straight after high school I have found out that I need to grow up and find out what I want to do with my life. On my free time (when I'm not working my ass off) I indulge in chocolate, books and fanfiction, netflix, weird (but awesome) friends and sitting in front of my TV abusing my PS4. I guess it could be worse.


As a person I'm quiet and I don't say much unless I'm with people I'm completely comfortable with, I don't speak my mind unless I feel like I can put all the cards on the table without being judged. But when I find the right person, then I'm actually quite outgoing and witty. I come across as more sarcastic and snarky online than in person, but that goes for most people after my experience. I don't bite though, I try very hard to be nice and considerate when communicating on this forum and with the fanbase. It's better to coat your words with honey than with vinegar and all that jazz, but I'm not here to kiss someones ass if that's the conclusion you came to.  


My reason for being on this forum is to dive into the world of Lana Del Rey, practicing my english (something I can always improve on), and connecting with awesome people. I really like this forum, it's rare to find a community with so little hate and childish arguments. 


But anyway.


This is my sense of humour:


Seriously, who can hate lolcatz?



The rest you just have to find out  :crossed: 


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