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Everything posted by ExoticFlower

  1. I think you have to be a little bit skilled to toss together moteldelrey in a short amount of time. But I'm retarded when it comes to photoshop and such, so maybe not.
  2. Someone who's good with gif's and photoshop... someone who smokes weed... someone who secretly hates us all
  3. I hate that photo of her. She looks like a bottle blonde duck.
  4. ... I'm eating pizza and drinking diet coke
  5. So highonthemind claims to be fiftybabydolldress, but fiftybabydolldress sais that the person on hotm is lying (she's not me). Mmkay.
  6. Leak partey! *Champagne popping*
  7. Well... I suspect you have to be a bit high to come up with shit like that.
  8. My (and probably others) theory: It's probably just a person that got a couple of songs between their hands, and wanted to make something more out of it other than "o hai, here's some leaks." It's a boring sunday, so it's not like I'm saying no to some drama
  9. I honestly think it's fake. And not just the picture...
  10. And now we have a picture of K.... any thoughts?
  11. That arsehole. I hope Lana gives him a call: "Yeah, you know what, people leak my shit all the time but you don't see me acting like a bitch Now... fix it."
  12. Yeah, wasn't it a radio interview?
  13. Maybe it's just her way of saying that she wants to die young at heart? But idk, maybe she wanted to join the 27 club at some point in her career.
  14. Egad. You're such a collector. I adore your devotion
  15. The singles: not enough singles for theFuture and ExoticFlower :ermm: They should have been honest. Called it something like "the singles: part 1" and then added the rest in another box. But nooo... assholes Im just really offended. Because I know I don't need this, it's not complete in any way, but I still want it sooo bad. It's not fair. They really know how to push my buttons :sarcastic:
  16. I'm tired of driving late for fucking gravy! I feel your pain, make-believe-obese-Lana
  17. I highly doubt it's weed. You very seldom unwrap a cig to use the paper to roll a joint *gesturing towards the filter*. At least I have never done it or meet someone who does it... anyroad: I sometimes get that lazy look on my face too if I'm very tired (which she probably is, if it's backstage after a concert or something.) Would have been fun to watch Lana high as a kite, though... or get high with her. Oh god, the conversations :hagirl:
  18. They nominated the best songs/albums of the year in my local newspaper. Lana got 5th place with born to die, Carly got 4th with call me maybe. They also got Lana's picture wrong at one point, I don't know what kind of celeb they confused her with. I died on the inside. My dad just looked at me funny: "Born to Die? Is she suicidal or something?"
  19. Yeah, I ordered it a few days after it was released I think...
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