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Everything posted by ExoticFlower

  1. Because her lips looked fucking fake (and not in a good way). I didn't find her attractive at all in the video games video, only unusual. I still looked into her music and fell in love, it wasn't until I found THIS picture of her online that I thought she was a looker.
  2. I always sing Ride or Yayo when I clean after work hours. My own private concert, if the hobos outside the store could hear me... :omgha:
  3. You mean the sportdrink gym addicts carry around all the time? xD Yeah. They sell it at my school. No idea why, it makes you all
  4. I love the picture on the blue jeans remixes vinyl, both the BDSM choke hold and the pro-bulimic with his fingers in her mouth. It's just so sensual, in a very submissive and "wrong" way
  5. Diet mnt dew looks radioactive. There's no way in hell I'll put my body trough that chemical nightmare. *Says the cola zero addict...." Makes sense to me
  6. I have gotten my 13 year old brother semi interested in Lana. He asked me the other day: "Does pussy really taste like pepsi cola?" And I just went all :omgha: :ohreallygirl: He just finished the conversation with a , and then left the room. Probably went off to do some serious googling. LMAO.
  7. I guess it's because she celebrates the light and dark side of life in such a balanced and glamorous way. There's hope, but also despair. It's a real interesting contrast between some of her songs, as some can bring me to tears and some can make me smirk. Her style just speaks to me, it's like a missing puzzle piece: after years of looking for the artist I finally found music that just really leaves me wanting more all the time. Most of the time I get tired of music after listening to it non stop, but born to die has been played to death for the last year, and I still find myself re-discovering songs that I just love more and more, both old and new ones. I guess her mysterious past and shy nature is a part of it too. She just leaves of trails and hints of her back story, and that leaves us fans crazy. How? Why? When? And what?! I don't know the answers, I just freaking love her music
  8. This is just another song that grew on me, slowly but surely. I love it now, and play it a lot, both the demo and the final version. It's so bittersweet
  9. Staaalkers. You fit in well here :badbitch:
  10. Yayo. Simply because it represents another part of Lana, even if it's "remastered" and all that.
  11. How would we know? We don't know him... or her. But she does look happy, which the fandom thinks is horrible (omg, no more drug abuse and bad relationship? No more awesome songs about love and death?! Le gasp!!!) But I think that Barrie is one cute hipster cookie :yes:
  12. No. An entire album indeed! I can see it now... "Christmas Eve Miseries" 1. Mistletoe Suicides 2. Cold Turkey (Freezing to Death In the S.N.O.W) 3. Bad Santa 4. Wish Not Granted 5. Candy Cane (Crack) 6. Nutcracker 7. (Poppin') Virgin Mary Bonus tracks (only part of the deluxe HoHoHo edition ofc) 8. Myrrh Magic 9. Jesus Is Dead :hagirl: I should go to sleep.
  13. Where. Is. My. Mother. Fucking. Box. Set? Santa, I'll have your kneecaps in a shoe box pretty soon. Just let me call some guys first...
  14. Fuck this shit. Might as well lose now, she's up against robert fucking pattinson. Stay away from the dark side, Lana! They don't have cookies!
  15. I have a theory... In interviews Lana has said that Video Games was about being happy and content, even if she gave up her personal ambitions. They would watch tv, she would study, play video games and fuck - and she was pleased with that. She sings about her past about having drug and alcohol issues and glorifying bad guys, but I, for one, think that she always wanted that easy and safe relationship with a stable dude. The only difference is that she has fame now and has fulfilled her long life dream, so what was lacking in Video Games is now in her life. So those of you who diss Barrie: Fuck you I love that guy, even if he looks like a hippie. I think he's good for Lana, even if no one but her knows for sure.
  16. I requested this months ago. The bitch finally did it!!!
  17. I want videos, but I appreciate the pictures too! Licking her fingers and all, she's such a tease
  18. Especially when it's Taylor fucking Swift doing it... Imagine her getting her hair brushed by a beef biker dude. On Lana it just looks precious, but with Taylor it would only look ... wrong (pedo). That girl needs to find her identity, seak therapy and stop whining about breakups. That Shane Dawson parody is the bomb.
  19. She sounds so slurred and doped up in BTD, lol. It's part of her "we are born to die, nothing matters." image. I love it.
  20. Kaya! :airplease: Don't do that to me, it's too much hotness on this forum to begin with But yeah, Taylor still sucks.
  21. Got the Wonderland magazine a couple of days ago. Sadly it wasn't with her gorgeous baby doll-ish cover (That's like impossible to get your hands on...), but the interview and the nice shoot made it worth it. I also have lesinrockuptibles, Q and Glamour.Then some vinyls, cds and singles. Went apeshit on ebay a couple of weeks ago, but the box set is still missing
  22. ExoticFlower


    That's exactly what this song was for me. I kinda thought it was meh in the beginning, but now I'm playing it at least 3 times a day. Lana, my girl, you did it again
  23. So the blogger is a lazy ass thief too
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