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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. didn’t barrie say he found out they broke up from an article/interview? mr. “privacy” is on BORROWED time whoops just scrolled up
  2. i’m ready for the next boyfriend, who’s it gonna be?
  3. it was never coming on june 1 either way
  4. clay deleted the pics he had up with lana and deactivated his instagram and twitter. let’s guess what happens next
  5. can everyone please report this page? some creep keeps making instagram accounts for jen's INFANT (lana's friend) https://www.instagram.com/lennononbumble/
  6. sis has plenty of options, i don’t understand
  7. they’re definitely posting so the other one sees lmao
  8. i think as long as it’s “shipped” by today or maybe it’s sunday? i forget when they stop counting for the week
  9. how much are you willing to spend?
  10. it’s at urban outfitters i’m pretty sure
  11. lana has used record to mean album and to mean song interchangeably in the past. there is no way to find what she means until she gives us more info
  12. i just hope so much that some of this money is going towards her tour crew who have been out of work for a year now....
  13. didn’t we tell y’all they were gonna be fake? it’s a cute little thing to have but yeah as @Id rather have cat aids said. i doubt she was even in the same country these were signed in lol
  14. maybe she said angelina cause it looks like she has an tomb raider. braid? that’s all i got lol
  15. at the pop up tho? they had STACKS AND STACKS of shirts and hoodies.
  16. i was wondering where it went...they had so much in stock still when the site went down
  17. the article was 2 months ago lol. it really seemed like she waited until the album was out so she could attack the author without her managers or her label being angry with the bad press right before an album release. sis couldn’t even wait one week.
  18. lana posting when its the middle of the night in the uk
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