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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. Chuck gave her that necklace she said on her livestream. It’s probably thank you chuck & whatever girl chuck is dating. Or Charlie lmao
  2. If it comes out in summer it’ll be 2 years between albums...I think her longest break?
  3. Do you guys think maybe she’s been so quiet about this song because she’s general nervous for it to be out? This song is the most personal she’s ever released I feel like was really nervous about it...
  4. The other articles kept saying something about "fan" singles and this one says "first single." I wanna know exactly how it was worded...,
  5. I asked my friend who works for Rolling Stone what exactly that "press release" said...he said he'll try to find out. Here's hoping...
  6. I feel like she’s talking about FaceTiming her Dad when she feels particularly depressed, not actually dead but “dead.” Also could be a reference to her persona, her celebrity etc.
  7. She’s probably not gonna do the interview with the backlash
  8. I love this song so much, wish everyone enjoyed it too
  9. So she just released the song? Didn’t even say anything? Wow I hope she’s not taking the criticism to heart...
  10. The song is soo heavy, so dark, so personal. This is truly shaping up to be one of her best.
  11. Okay tea but in general her romantic songs are better IMO
  12. She tried that on LFL. When she writes about anything but love and relationships it’s even more boring (WTWWAT, GBA, Coachella) they are my least favorites
  13. I gave up on her music videos. We’ll be lucky if we even get one more. Don’t really care as long as the music is good!
  14. It’s actually very plausible for a single to leak the week before. “Radio” always gets it beforehand.
  15. The GP doesn’t care about anything Lana does unless she’s being “sassy” on Twitter.
  16. Ummm?? https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMJImXnbW-/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1xl3mfioypuyg
  17. Right that’s what I was thinking? The new lineup is a lot different than the leaked one from last week so I feel like it was fake
  18. “Smiling for miles in pink dresses on white yachts” Really reminds me of My Favorite Things à la Panic! At The Disco
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