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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. I wouldn’t agree it’s what I signed up for...she was very different when most of us become fans. Also, the “baddie” stuff comes off passive aggressive imo.
  2. Saw some sniffling on her live, coke? Why even bring it up if she’s not gonna share? Like?
  3. Ugh this insta baddie stuff is so tacky but whatever
  4. She said maybe single on January 8th! During insta live
  5. I don’t trust them. They said the singles came out in November when they came out in September. whoever wrote this clearly didn’t do basic research.
  6. So see a Coachella line up floating around on Twitter. Apparently Lana is headlining the Friday shows??
  7. She’ll get #1 or #2 as she always does...if there’s major competition maybe #3
  8. Marty from the 1975 recently tweeted... https://twitter.com/truman_black/status/1074288207615938560?s=21 What if Lana did this? It would be a complete shitshow in the crowd but a night dedicated to each era? A girl can dream.
  9. Any of those shots from that shoot would’ve been better
  10. Any of those shots from that shoot would’ve been better
  11. LFL wasn’t all bad. I don’t hate it. I do hate a few tracks and the tracklist order.
  12. I’m so bored. Can Lana fart into a microphone or do sumthing?
  13. Smoked what?? The devils lettuce? “Ew no just journaling”
  14. Okay I love Lana but what killer vocals? She gets very nervous during taped performances. I haven’t seen one with killer vocals since 2015 at least. She’d bomb AGAIN if she went on SNL now.
  15. They seem like the type to not really like her more experimental tracks...
  16. What happened to all those white soccer moms Lana was hanging out with a lot in the fall??
  17. 99centlips

    Venice Bitch

    This is such a stretch but I got this thought and ran with it. In VB to me it seems to me like she’s either finally meeting up with her lover in heaven and growing old with him. The chorus is her praying and calling our for him “it’s me.” I really think the guitar solo is her emotional journey to heaven/mediative state....and the last chorus “oh god I LOVE him on my lips.” Finally together forever. Her philosophy background is such an inspiration to her music. OR she’s just describing a fantasy, an artists’ “hallmark” perfect ending = “you write , I tour”. Everything’s perfect. The way it seems to go back and forth from reality to fantasy reminds me of West Coast a little bit.
  18. Lana is seriously a parody of herself so I wouldn’t be surprised if the lyrics are real, but probably fake. Omg I didn’t realize it was the exact same date lmao. I know it was on accident but that’s so funny
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