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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. Veinsineon

    Miley Cyrus

    Reminder that Malibu is still THAT song. WHEW!! SOBER QUEEN
  2. can we just take a moment to imagine if lana dropped God Bless America on July 4th
  3. Veinsineon

    Azealia Banks

    F2 and shes actually singing, idk abt you but we're about to get our first taste of her best album
  4. Veinsineon


    if you look at her instagram story i think shes actually working on some rn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. EXTENDE THE SNIPPET USING @BigSpender 's instrumental remake!!! Couldnt upload it to picosong bc the site is down so i had to upload it to YT https://youtu.be/Xp44zStMD9s Lemme Know What You Guys Think
  6. I never thanked you for complimenting my music taste, THANK YOU. P.S. hope u like them xoxo
  7. i'd recommend solemn night 001 or 12:47 AM for those, definitely crack open that emotion shell
  8. Y'all mind if i bump this thread to promote my new PL ^^^
  9. Veinsineon


    i can guess this would be her reply : "old music?, i never had a myspace..."
  10. that's a good analogy , never thought about that! thanks
  11. i dont think she flat said it was an outtake she said it, and many others, were left on the cutting room floor
  12. she deleted all of them except for Daisy Chains and i thought that was for his album...? and Change which is....whew pretty ugly
  13. we all already have it from this thread but, go off ig
  14. it's kind of confusing, don't you think she would continue revealing actual tracks through interviews and then preview outtakes with videos?
  15. how did she confirm every other one aw sorry you dropped your pack of cigs and they all broke )):
  16. cherry is no more upbeat than freak is, this is in complete bad taste
  17. can we not bash people based on political views and maybe focus on why this thread was created. conservatives and right wingers are not fascist or nazis that is THE dumbest comparison ever. ANYWAYS. What songs were actually confirmed to be on LFL im actually losing track?
  18. Veinsineon


    cant believe i missed this
  19. Tear You Apart - I made this playlist as a tribute to someone I used to be, someone who doesn't care about anything but being abused. It was a crazy time and all I could ever think about was pain and sex and drugs and drinking and etc. I needed a playlist to help get those thoughts out by helping them stay controlled. This dark and sexy playlist will probably make you horny or scared because of the gore, blood, S&M, sort of style it has. Also very inspired by the AHS Hotel Soundtrack!!! https://open.spotify.com/user/nightmimed/playlist/1OfwJranMqSN4JMX2EApGt Theme : WARNING SENSITIVE CONTENT : EXCLAIMER FOR MODS : THIS IS NOT REAL GORE, ITS JUST A PROJECT FROM ONE OF MY FAVORITE ARTISTS, BEHIND THE SCENE POAROIDS
  20. Need NTMT outtakes. dont care about her pop shit
  21. the hell is Change? some sort of sauce?
  22. I mixed all of the demos to MANiCURE and it turned out good??? http://picosong.com/7EWK
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