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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. naachoboy

    its thhe same lyrics lol
  2. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    According to the manager of AB, soon. Probably with the Ice princess remix.
  3. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    It wasnt her tho, it was her manager.
  4. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    According to her manager, like yesterday, she told me it was going to be announced soon, just when i thought it was cancelled, i think this has to do with the Ice Princess remix.
  5. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    It has been out for 5-6 months , i want FTSW already, but i think they will milk BWET a bit more with the remix coming (Ice Princess) and then i think the vinyl will come with it.
  6. It seems like Lana wants to do what Beyoncé did to her with her last album (copying her on every video and fonts) (joke)
  7. not confirmed i mean everything can change until confirmation
  8. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    she wont release lol
  9. I dont know if this is planned or what the heck tho lol
  10. mmm at least wait for the full song and how are they singed etcetc
  11. The songs fit the whole tour vibe lol they wont be on the album
  12. Us against the world https://twitter.com/QualityLana/status/596388867424391170
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