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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. 85! The opening words to Honeymoon, Lana Del Rey’s third album proper are “We both know that it’s not fashionable to love me”. It’s an apt description of her relationship with the characters that inhabit her songs and her critics. It’s also a gloriously insouciant way to open her most realised and beautiful record to date. http://www.thelineofbestfit.com/reviews/albums/honeymoon-is-the-dazzling-emancipation-of-lana-del-rey where? i see it as 3/5 on the page maybe its an error D: do u have an image Doesnt count tho. 3/4 USATODAY http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/reviews/2015/09/18/lana-del-rey-honeymoon-review/72369924/ PMA: C+ (this one counts)
  2. Album: Honeymoon #1 United States (+2) #1 United Kingdom (+9) #1 Australia (+1) #1 Brazil (+6) #1 Canada (+1) #1 Denmark (+7) #1 Ecuador (=) #1 Egypt (+114) #1 Germany (+6) #1 Greece (+35) #1 Hungary (NE) #1 Ireland (+1) #1 Israel (+7) #1 Kyrgyzstan (=) #1 Mexico (+1) #1 New Zealand (=) #1 Poland (+4) #1 Portugal (=) #1 Qatar (NE) #1 Russia (=) #1 Slovakia (+61) #1 Sweden (+4) #1 Tajikistan (=) #1 Thailand (+4) #1 Ukraine (=) #1 United Arab Emirates (+3) #2 Estonia (+113) #2 Finland (+8) #2 France (+1) #2 Hong Kong (+3) #2 Norway (+5) #2 Oman (+103) #2 Saudi Arabia (+45) #2 Singapore (+6) #2 Spain (+3) #2 Switzerland (+4) #2 Turkey (+1) #3 Argentina (+10) #3 Bahrain (+33) #3 Belgium (+7) #3 Cyprus (+5) #3 Czech Republic (+1) #3 Italy (+3) #3 Lebanon (+2) #3 Malaysia (+195) #4 Austria (+140) #4 Bulgaria (+1) #4 Russia (+10) #4 South Africa (+7) #5 Belarus (-1) #5 Philippines (NE) #5 Taiwan (+3) #6 Netherlands (+3) #7 Lithuania (+45) #7 Turkey (+62) #8 Latvia (+26) #9 Indonesia (+4) #10 Chile (-2) #10 Vietnam (-5) #11 Dominican Republic (-10) #14 Bolivia (-5) #14 Trinidad and Tobago (+86) #15 Moldova (-2) #20 El Salvador (+91) #26 Romania (+39) #27 India (NE) #29 Cambodia (-7) #29 Japan (+10) #30 Kenya (+168) #30 Malta (NE) #40 Guatemala (NE) #42 Paraguay (NE) #50 Kazakhstan (NE)
  3. But i think they are being nice lol. Saying she's in charge now, that the production isnt drowning her
  4. Lana Del Rey looks out into the world and all she sees are stares. Cold faces, eyes hard with judgment. And lights, too — sharp beams that poke like needles and cut like lasers. For years, she has been scrutinized as intently as she’s been listened to. You would not blame her even a bit for wilting. Instead, she has hardened, ossified into a thing of refined cool. The more famous Ms. Del Rey has grown, the more obscure she’s become. What was once something of an elaborate performance has become merely a simple mode of being. Now, she meets the glares and the harsh lights with … nothing. Total blankness. The way that celebrities stand still on the red carpet and fix their eyes on some far-off point while a violent scrum of photographers fire flash bombs and shout their names, resulting in picture after picture of sturdy serenity, that’s Ms. Del Rey’s everyday. There’s no moment she’s not above the fray. Because of this, “Honeymoon” (Interscope), her third major-label album, achieves a sublimity missing from her first two. She’s been angry, and then bored of being angry, but now she’s just bored, and her boredom is entrancing. There’s that taffy voice, resignedly oozing all over the place — rarely does Ms. Del Rey check in at something more intense than a yawn. She’s not an ornate singer, but she achieves a great deal with only the many shades of exhaustion. On “Salvatore,” when she ooohs about “soft ice cream,” she’s a billowy cloud. On “Music to Watch Boys To,” she sighs, “I like you a lot,” but her voice is multitracked, as if arguing with herself whether it’s even worth the bother. And in several places, she refers to the blues — the music, but also the color, and the mood. “Got my blue nail polish on/It’s my favorite color and my favorite tone of song,” she sings on “The Blackest Day.” On the title track, she merely exhales: “Dah-ah-ah-ah-ark bluuuuuuuuue.” Her blue is the ocean, and it’s clear sky, and it’s also blood. For much of “Honeymoon,” she dwells on relationships so toxic they’ve turned her into an emotional refusenik. On “Terrence Loves You,” she sings, “I lost myself when I lost you/And I still get trashed, darling/When I hear your tunes,” and on “High by the Beach,” she moans, “We won’t survive/We’re sinking into the sand.” “Religion,” a love song that would seem to demand preachy fervor, is instead delivered with a shrug: Ms. Del Rey’s weakness remains her narrow field of vision. And her apathy does tend towards lethargy — individual songs seep long past their most pungent moments, and her unwavering vocal approach can induce somnolence. ’Cause you’re my religion, you’re how I’m living When all my friends say I should take some space Well, I can’t envision that for a minute When I’m down on my knees, you’re how I pray Apart from the album-closing cover of “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” and the T.S. Eliot poem Ms. Del Rey reads during an interlude, all the songs were written by her with Rick Nowels (Lykke Li, Belinda Carlisle), and the album was produced by them along with Kieron Menzies. Together, they have arrived at a solution to a problem that bedeviled Ms. Del Rey on her first two albums, “Born to Die” from 2012, and “Ultraviolence” from last year. On “Born to Die” especially, she was thwarted by the ambitions of her producers. Ms. Del Rey was still unsteady as a character, and the gorgeous, lush production often highlighted how fragmented she was. Now she is steady, and resolute too. And so the music stays out of the way, ranging from melancholy to aspirated but never overwhelming, whether it’s the ethereal desert vibes of “God Knows I’ve Tried,” or the piano dirge “Terrence Loves You,” or the exceptional “High by the Beach,” which is like an ASAP Rocky song dubbed onto a fuzzy cassette. Ms. Del Rey sounds lonely here, and fine with that. Perhaps “Honeymoon” is the first great prison album of the 21st century, her jail being celebrity and the scrutiny that comes with it. This album’s opening couplet is a hilarious troll: “We both know that it’s not fashionable to love me/But you don’t go, ‘cause truly there’s nobody for you but me.” And her cover of “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” feels wholly earned — brittle and distant, a sad-sack meditation on inevitable disappointment. Her acceptance of her absurd condition is there, vividly, in the incisive “Freak,” about life and love under the magnifying glass, which has a woozily seductive chorus: In the video for “High by the Beach,” Ms. Del Rey lolls about in a glorious house on the Pacific until she’s interrupted by a helicopter with a paparazzo inside. She skips down to the beach, grabs a rocket launcher hidden in the rocks, and blasts the copter out of the sky, then resumes her blithe bliss. Baby, if you wanna leave Come to California Be a freak like me, too Screw your anonymity Loving me is all you need to feel Like I do And so after four years in the limelight, here lounges Ms. Del Rey, immune to the gravitational pull of the discourse about her. Once a careful invention, she is now glassy-eyed and glassy-voiced, too cool to care. The result is something like a dog that, when its leash is tugged, simply lies on the ground and shuts its eyes: basking in the sun, feeding off its warmth, never giving an inch. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/18/arts/music/review-lana-del-rey-honeymoon.html?_r=0
  5. thats what she said, but there's like no info yet.
  6. Even the sad ones dont sound THAT sad, they have like a lil hope in there, in her voice, idk.
  7. Nice! better for her streaming points. Because without the things you posted (the mv's, imagery, her persona, her performances), they wouldnt love it as much as they do. It's SOLELY because of that, they love what BTD brought to their lives, i love it too, but i can move on and enjoy what she's doing and how shes maturing.
  8. They should be more courageous tbh and talk all the negativity before, not when the majority of users aren't here lolol
  9. Because we don't know anything about it, more than the "water girls", we need a teaser something lol. And she hasnt announce the video yet, she just posted some screenshots lol from pale fire and the one yesterday, when the fans were hearing the album lol
  10. So, it's my idea or the negative people came together and its filling the thread, while the others arent even online cause they are enjoying what they got?
  11. You are never pleased tho, unless is some hipster artist, that no one knows about :XXXX
  12. http://www.rtl.fr/culture/arts-spectacles/lana-del-rey-keith-richards-et-la-famille-chedid-parmi-les-nouveautes-musique-de-la-semaine-7779748486
  13. sis lack of variety? This has a lot of dif songs/vibes ... And the BTD stans need help. You cant move on, its fine, the problem comes when u think nothing comes close to it and when you cant enjoy because "its so not close to BTD it hurts, that album made me cry"
  14. What’s the only thing better than getting the new Lana Del Rey album Honeymoon? Getting it—and then getting to meet the musician herself. We’re excited to announce that Lana Del Rey will be celebrating her new album release at UO Herald Square in New York City this Saturday, September 19 with a meet-and-greet. Here’s the deal: Be one of the first 125 shoppers to buy Honeymoon at our Herald Square location (1333 Broadway) on September 19 and you’ll get a wristband with your purchase. That wristband is your ticket to return later that day to meet with Lana Del Rey instore at 6pm. After last week’s all-store Honeymoon first listen, we could not be more psyched to get our hands on this record—specifically in its UO exclusive vinyl form.
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