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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. lots of competition though thats not a review essi whats her best album?
  2. Billboard is a flop anyway. They gave the same to BWET. And gaga's artpop and prism 80's and Jlo's AKA an 80 something.
  3. THIS week not next week, she was in paris last week, in the interview she was calling from Paris.
  4. Thank gawd he's out. That will help the score stay higher as well. doesnt count. who that?
  5. She will sell 100k at most now, because she will lose potential sales cause of #1 exposure.
  6. The first ones commenting were the faggots from the fanbase i am, then the lanators started bugging her today.
  7. Not in the US because of Drake/Future, and in the UK she was being blocked by another guy (who had more pre orders)
  8. Is she going to sing? like is there an actual source
  9. Everyone should be streaming the album on Spotify to help Lana, lol if they already bought it, and if they didnt buy it then with more reason.
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