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About Splenderey

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  • Birthday May 13

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  1. I didnt like she used the same setlist for her Splendour in the Grass set and her side-show - I understand the logic, but wanted a bit of diversity!
  2. The projections were perfect, each song had a unique set of images be it the film clips or a montage of similar pictures. Ps. Love Grimes in your sig!
  3. Was lucky enough to see her twice at these shows in July, one an intimate performace at the Palace Theatre in Melbourne (was a side-show for her Splendour in the Grass festival set). Absolutely mesmerising. At the festival, which was attended by about 20,000 I think, her stage was absolutely packed! We came to her stage about an hour before her set, and there was already about another 30 fans up the front too. Her set was the same as her side-show, but nonetheless her performace had the whole crowd errupting! Hate that she probably wont return to Australia for another year, cause they two of the best acts of live music I've ever seen!
  4. She's very massive to my social groups here in Melbourne. Everyone is very responsive to Lana news and music, it's fantastic.
  5. So hard to decide - but I'd probably go with Radio. But It's very close with National Anthem! Suprised Off to the Races is leading so dominantly!
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