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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. people who thing the fucking deep web thing has to do with fucking lana del rey song ot whatever is fucking stupid
  2. http://repsearch.ppluk.com/ars/faces/pages/audioSearch.jspx?_afrWindowMode=0&_afrLoop=14021251903172394&_adf.ctrl-state=cr02g1tb3_4
  3. mess they are registred on a publishing site thats how eclipse gets them it's the same publishing site who has life is beautiful lenght
  4. it's not eclipse tea it's mine i posted that on atrl first stop making eclipse happen again
  5. we need to give up there is no deluxe if the album has deluxe and target has no exclusive tracks ..target would take the same bonus from the deluxe and make them target exlusive but target only mentioned a poster
  6. when ''white mustag'' get leaked /released i need somone to make ''white mustag'' part onrepeat in the last chorus till the song is 4m thanks
  7. my first ultraviolence listen was with my boyfried he was driving and he throws the Cd out of window cause it was too deperessing and he hates her i told him to stop and i run away walking
  8. if Best american record was not on the album why the fuck ben was fucking asking us to send him links to the the leaks and he tooks them all down
  9. i guess it was not a cd it was a poster at target
  10. i would lovee if we get an instg video of her saying ''happy 4th of july'' with god bless the gays playing in the background
  11. i don't think the album was pushed back again like if she did that why would she bothers and release two songs in the same time she has time to do it later
  12. at least your friend does not think ''Love '' was an unrelleased track leaked by the gays
  13. i have a feeling that we will have the same issues in ''summer bummer' production
  14. when stevie asked her about fav songs on the album she mentioned love coashella and yosemite so Trashella is clearly on it
  15. just cause her smile does not fit her face it does not mean it's fake
  16. fuck off fuck offf fuck all your mouths fuck of fuck offf
  17. i would love that she can keep summer bummer tho or even cherry
  18. why she is not releasing ''God blesss america'' iin 4 th july ?
  19. is it possible an album preorder comes out 10 days before the album drops ? did it happned ?
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