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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. I don't watch the album trailer anymore cause i feel it makes no sense since the album is not finished -_-
  2. from White mustag snipt you can hear that Emile Haynie weird sound i guess it's produced by him i can't wait
  3. i'm glad this is not on the album it sounds boring as fuck
  4. she can leak the outakes and keep the album
  5. girls if it was on the album whats the point of posting it it's not there
  6. Just one thing stop thinking Eclipse speads the tracks or he was the first one with them
  7. i will be draged for that but i hate the new snipt she posted it feels like she lost her sound
  8. it's one of her worst songs i think i still never listend to it in full
  9. who are you to decide how her album will sound like ? if your taste is a trash and you stan banks or what ever she is called so i dont blame u
  10. It's not her Only few people know how ''young and in lovee'' and ''Bar'' circulated the story is a mess tho
  11. the fact she was right when she said ''when i'm in the middlle of making a record''
  12. I want another Honeymoon it's her best album deal with it
  13. what if 21st july is just A stfo to her fans and it's not an offical one by her label
  14. i bet this concept was meant for Honeymoon but it never happned
  15. i don't want any new songs lana put that fucking preorder and i can wait till 21 st july
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