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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. now im start beleing the surprise release is real that guy told us he asked her and then they edited that question wth May 26 th my coins are ready
  2. that bitch lied he said he asked her about the release date im so fucking mad i can't
  3. me when the audio was almost fnished (last 5 seconds) and he still did not asked her about the release date ;
  4. i bet she said to that interviewer to not release the release date till tomorow ...
  5. https://twitter.com/lanadelreyfiles second post
  6. omg so lust for life is about suiscide hahahzhehdehehjfhejfhjefhjehjfehjrhjerhje im shock https://twitter.com/lanadelreyfiles/status/866387608418570240
  7. if LFL musiv video 's soon is that soon i bet album's soon is that soon too
  8. can someone please remove the screaming parts from the audio and try to make it little clear and in mp3 i need it now i dont care i bet its not coming till july so thats how i ruined honeymoon first listen
  9. sorry but the video looks like amess and a half
  10. that song hjjhekhefnjkengkrjkgkrgrhjjzhrbjzebhehejahahahjsdhjhjdd
  11. my dream setlist: love (accapila) God bless america yosemite tomorow never came (solo) when the world was at war we kept dancing cherry bye
  12. the album is coming in july whats the point of doing this now
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