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Everything posted by Lust

  1. no she doesn't follow me, I dm'ed her on Instagram
  2. I hope she meant to dm her because that's what I'm doing
  3. if so, it better be a close date but it's probably gonna b a q&a tho Inb4 she goes "srry I wuz busy mebe nex timee kids xoxo"
  4. Imagine is Lana does a proper tour, she can wear daisies in her hair like on every date and maybe wear the album cover outfit on some days
  5. wow it's so obvious now, does that mean she isn't with all the other men in the photo or something?
  6. I can't see where they cut her out, can you show me by like circling the area or something plz?
  7. Wow that complex cover is the most beautiful photo of Lana since 2014 tbh! I thought we'd never get that btd glamorous type of photoshoot again but here we are, and so far the post album release has been fairly eventful, was it like this after honeymoon was released as well?
  8. I just remembered we're getting the cover tomorrow, so still something to be excited about!
  9. 3 songs? Why can't they play the full interview http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_one#
  10. She implied that she didn't by saying that Yosemite bar and RBFY might find a home some day...she might've done it with the love demo
  11. Guess that's the only way she can keep it from leaking
  12. I think Spotify is for people who prefer playlists than albums
  13. If the trailer we got is from a music video what song do you think it could be for? I'm thinking something sassy like in my feelings
  15. Here's why: -The album opener in lust for life enters you on a happy note and gives off a warm feeling -Lust for Life is more diverse in its sound -Honemoon starts to sound the same midway through the album but lfl keeps it intersesting (the songs after burnt norton are amazing too but not after hearing all the songs before) -better music videos -Lust for Life has iconic collabs -Lfl has a better closer too
  16. It's like #2 or #3 on UK iTunes so it's not very likely
  17. I don't like obsess over Lizzy grant material either but I love the way they contrast her main vocals on the chorus get free and then she throws in a ride reference too so it becomes an emotional throwback for me...
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