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Posts posted by Lust

  1. Lust for Life > Honeymoon

    Here's why: 


    -The album opener in lust for life enters you on a happy note and gives off a warm feeling

    -Lust for Life is more diverse in its sound

    -Honemoon starts to sound the same midway through the album but lfl keeps it intersesting (the songs after burnt norton are amazing too but not after hearing all the songs before)

    -better music videos 

    -Lust for Life has iconic collabs 

    -Lfl has a better closer too



    This is just my opinion so if you don't agree please don't get offended, we all have different tastes


  2. Okay I'm going to get attacked for this but... is anyone else not feeling Get Free? It's the only song I can't get into besides Coachella  :crossed: I love the verses and the prechorus is OK but that damn chorus ruins the song for me. The lyrics in the chorus are kind of tacky and the production is boring. Also, the song really goes nowhere. When the middle 8/bridge is supposed to come and take the song off, it just ends with ocean sounds instead. I love every track off of LFL but this one is just bad in my opinion


    This is exactly how I feel.

    Everything works for me except the chorus of the song. There's just something about the melody and the beat that I don't care for.

    I feel exactly the opposite of this :lmao: there's something about the chorus that I can't get enough of especially with her added Lizzy vocals

  3. I like how in Get Free she kind of has a collaboration with her old self. She says out of the black in her Lana vocals, but then repeats it again with her Lizzy vocals. It's as though she's confronting her dark lizzy grant past and moving on, bringing her old self along with the movement towards finding happiness. Quite fascinating. Every time i hear those strong Lizzy vocals in the song i just picture her old interview at the trailer park... and how far that girl has come since those days. :xcry:

    this made me get tears in my eyes

    This album needs a Birds of Paradise Edition


    Omg bird of paradise would be an amazing album name but she already had paradise as an ep

  4. I like how in Get Free she kind of has a collaboration with her old self. She says out of the black in her Lana vocals, but then repeats it again with her Lizzy vocals. It's as though she's confronting her dark lizzy grant past and moving on, bringing her old self along with the movement towards finding happiness. Quite fascinating. Every time i hear those strong Lizzy vocals in the song i just picture her old interview at the trailer park... and how far that girl has come since those days. :xcry:

    this made me get tears in my eyes
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