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Posts posted by Lust

  1. 13 beaches, change and white mustang top 3 worst songs in history. Sorry I don't make the rules.


    what the fuck

    so i barely listen to get free and i listened to it a few minutes ago and it isn't that good, sorta plain

    The chorus doesn't do anything for you? I feel like I start going into another dimension as soon as the chorus kicks in, and I then I can't do anything other than listen to the song until it's over...

  2. I decided to see how lust for life is doing in the streaming area..


    Lust for Life's streams:


    (Youtube plus Spotify)


    Green: the songs that aren't on her Youtube channel


    Love: 177.6M

    LfL: 169.6M

    13B: 16.1M


    White Mustang: 14.2M

    Summer Bummer: 39.3M

    Groupie Love: 25.7M

    IMF: 13M

    Coachella: 23.4M

    GBA: 8M


    BPBP: 10.7M

    TNC: 9.2M

    Heroin: 8.4M

    Change: 7.2M

    Get Free: 7.9M


    Youtube total: 231.8 millions streams

    Spotify total: 358.1 million streams

    total: 589.6 millions streams


    Honeymoon's streams (for comparison):


    Youtube total: 178.5M streams

    Spotify total: 326.8M streams

    total: 505.3M streams


    As you can see lfl already has more streams even though it's just months old vs HM being 2 years old, and this could be because some of the songs are more poppy and I'm not saying LfL is better because of this but it shows her longevity and growth, just thought this might be fun to do...

  3. Out of all of Lana's albums pick the songs that you think are the best and make an album out of them with a tracklist. You can make an album cover and/or a name for it if you want.


    My picks:


    1. Terrence Loves You

    2. Shades of Cool

    3. Cruel World

    4. Video Games

    5. Cherry

    6. The Blackest Day

    7. Yayo

    8. Carmen

    9. 24

    10. Pawn Shop Blues

    11. Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)

    12. West Coast

    13. Million Dollar Man

    14. Gods and Monsters

    15. Bel Air

    16. Heroin

    17. Get Free

  4. the last official update was in January 2017 and HM had sold 610k. I'm sure it has sold at least 700k by now but the sales have not been updatedLust For Life spends a 10th week on the BB200 and jumps from #121 to #27 and was the biggest gaining album this week !

    Wow was that because of the tour announcement or something?

  5. As someone already pointed out, I really think this record is missing that classic Lana touch all the songs from her previous works used to have. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a bunch of songs I listen to everyday and are stuck in my head (White Mustang, Heroin, Cherry) but even in those songs there’s something missing. Maybe it was the whole aesthetic and cohesiveness Ultraviolence and Honeymoon had :oprah:

    I believe this is more like an opinion than a fact because I still feel like she still has that touch because she created a new set of songs that imo don't lack anything her previous works did but add a new flavor to some of them. There's a certain cohesiveness to the tone of all the songs on the album, they all give kind of a similar feeling when you listen to them. And I think the album would be very boring if the songs weren't so different from each other. The album keeps you entertained when it switches the mood/sound when Coachella comes which is basically the intermission of the album. I know the aesthetic is kind of all over the place with the space and hippy vibes but you have to see this album as a mosaic in order to understand it. I respect what you said but this is just how I feel :)

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