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Everything posted by terusama

  1. That is just when she tweeted it. It went on pre-ordr August 21st, 2015.
  2. can we not w the fat jokes... i know the nature of this fandom is beauty obsessed but like damn
  3. This is cool and all but I can't believe the forum lets you post downloadable links like that. Thought for sure I was about to get a virus
  4. the good news with the era temporarily (or chronically?) stagnating is that it has given me more motivation to be dutiful in studying for my exams and also finishing my own EP since i'm not on here following mass amounts of drama
  5. Lana when you won't stop dragging the new releases but keep begging for LiB
  6. that picture of lana squinting at the camera always reminds me of the sly cat
  7. Totally, that's why at corona capital she took the flag and hung it on her mic...
  8. The moon in the trailer isn't a moon, someone on here proved it was an image of mercury. Just FYI. Idk if this collab has anything to do with mercury or whisks
  9. . most of us are at work/class. why was this organized on a weekday afternoon
  10. If this is fake news im on my way to my grave
  11. Here are some suggestions for those of you Jonesing for more lana content. 1. Stream LFL/Love 2. Stream LFL/Love 3. Stream LFL/Love 4. Stare into her image from the Dazed mags 5. Smoke a joint for gods sake 6. Stream LFL/Love
  12. don't respond to the troll above me, they literally only post offensive shit. anyway im glad she's getting promo from a k-pop group.
  13. i'm content to bop tf out to lfl until lana decides to say something
  14. LOL! The sad part is it would've been okay if he made Abels face appear more out of focus
  15. I have no idea who g eazy is but "pee squeezey" made me lol
  16. when your friends refuse to pass you the aux cable...
  17. Thanks for actually explaining instead of being rude and condescending.
  18. I wonder if the MV will reveal more about the story of the song, or if it will be light on story like MTWBT
  19. dazed probably wasn't prepared for the demand
  20. me @ the gp: lana is back- and she's cooler than ever
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