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Everything posted by terusama

  1. It's ok, I saw what you wrote- but I don't think that account is verified reliable. Seems most of their info is either intentionally vague or already known.
  2. not for long if she keeps whipping out the insta while driving
  3. edit: ohhohh, now the terusama is gonna preach to us
  4. I kind of doubt it. it seems pretty genuine how she put it in the description on IG, that she was just out in nature and wrote a song because of the way she's been feeling.
  5. Wow, incredible, she sounded truly jsut like Cat Power there- channeling some soulful singer-songwriter vibes. Damn
  6. I already posted this on my own fan art thread, but it's supposed to look like one of those old tacky looking albums you find at goodwill.
  7. some of the links are broken for me? edit: nvm i got it
  8. what do you think the LFL single is gonna sound like do you think abel is gonna be singing on it or is it just a writing cred and i wonder which music video... maybe the one where she was talking to rich that she put up on insta? where shes in the car?
  9. oh hey look, its another iteration of one of those 5 conversations we keep having
  10. I was in high school when video games was playing on the radio. I wonder if this album will have a broad enough impact to expand the fanbase by appealing to a new cohort of listeners (like more young teens who may have not been in on it earlier cause they were too young)
  11. It's a joke about how most of her fanbase is homosexual lol
  12. for some reason I can't imagine her being super into pokemon but maybe one of her beaus was lmao
  13. if its true and its brazil time (its a brazillian website) then it would happen in 3 hours and 12 minutes but apparently we're not sure if its true or not?
  14. omg, is it coming today do you think?? or sometime later this week? ah i can't handle this i wasn't expecting anything until after the interview!!!!
  15. Yes I know. But I mean if they're wrong or have the date mixed up or a dumb intern pressed "send" on a draft that wasn't meant to go out.
  16. I agree, whenever she posts one of these driving videos I just think about how she's one second from causing an accident or getting hurt herself.
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