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Everything posted by terusama

  1. Oh yeah, seven planets. I forgot about that. Might be something to do with ancient astrology https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_planet Western In Chinese astrology there's also the concept of 七政四余, seven heavenly bodies and four imaginary stars, but I don't know very much about that and I kind of doubt lana is posted up doing fengshui and guasha but who knows
  2. Damn, maybe we really do have nothing going on
  3. they're being sarcastic since someone was saying how LB members must have nothing else going on
  4. The rise of conservatism is directly related the accumulation of power over time as it enables power-holders to influence those beneath them and suppress their opposition it will only get worse as power-holders use their influence to continue to dismantle the protections of the common man and accumulate more power Gentle pushback in the opposite direction will not work. Their influence is too great. Either we act with conviction or get snuffed. edit: sorry bout my little angry rant here guys
  5. i want to disagree with you but my actions definitely indicate that lana is more important than my GPA
  6. I have a 10 page paper to write plus I have to finish translating this poem, all due tomorrow at noon but I keep checking back here anyways- she better not do anything or else I will get nothing done.
  7. I think we would all feel less frustrated if we were looking forward to a specific date. Like when we were all looking forward to Dazed. We tentatively have May 26th, but there's a lot of uncertainty surrounding that date, which creates tension.
  8. anticipating this new theme has me more shook than my anticipation of LFL
  9. Lol, wow at first I thought you were gonna be exaggerating
  10. It's fake, had Stevie nicks on it twice and no Sean Lennon
  11. She never had a nose job, she got a nonsurgical rhinoplasty which is basically just bridge fillers. She has to get them redone every 6 months or else it becomes noticeable. That's why the texture of her nose changes sometimes.
  12. When's the shoot of her wearing that cat print gonna surface? Then y'all will really have a conniption
  13. "put his favorite perfume on," lana moans into the mic, before luxuriously spraying herself with Gucci fragrance
  14. ugh in that vid of the gucci fragrance launch party they have several exotic birds (eclectus, rose breasted cockatoo, sulfur crested and a macaw) all locked up in itty bitty cages. jesus edit: moluccan not sulfur crested
  15. yeah they say that but theres nothing on the moma calendar except a few seminars and exhibitions
  16. there isn't anything happening tonight at the moma tho unless i'm mistaken? haven't heard of anything
  17. theory (stolen from reddit): she got too many fillers in her cheeks, got swelling and bruising, had to cancel on the weeknd cause her face was bruised and she didnt want it to be seen on stage
  18. if it is may 26, ill be a little upset cause im in between leases then, so ill have to listen to this album for the first time while chilling in a library somewhere or sleeping on someones couch which is like. not the optimal lana experience
  19. her cheeks seem to have changed shape, but lovely as always
  20. I hope she hits the red carpet sometime this year
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