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  1. no, but i have a feeling it will probably go on sale early next week because it’s not very common for merch drops to go on sale on weekends
  2. same, it feels nasty how UO sells indie exclusives. for some reason my local record store doesn’t have the green vinyl on sale on their website and hasn’t since release day, it doesn’t seem like any record stores on recordstoreday.com at all do—probably because of demand, i can guarantee every indie store in the country didn’t sell out within the first five minutes—and i am going to be out of town for release day + the whole week after (or at least i was going to be for the old march 10th date 💀), so i had to order the green vinyl from UO because i was scared it was going to sell out at my local record store by the time i got back home. but i still kinda feel bad about it
  3. also analyzing this for Side B: 1. Judah Interlude 2. Candy Necklace 3. John Interlude 4. Kintsugi 5. Fingertips Candy Necklace is about 5 minutes, Fingertips is about 6 which leaves us with 11 minutes maximum left for the interludes (which are apparently long too) and Kintsugi my guess is both interludes are around 3 minutes, and Kintsugi is about 4
  4. i’m really interested in Side C being only 3 songs long, but side B is 5… i would say Side C is about to serve us three 7 minute songs but we know that’s not true because AW is the only track that long but let’s still take a look Fingertips is about 6 minutes, so it probably has to be on Side B because it won’t fit on Side C let’s just say that there are now 4-5 minutes left of the 22 minute limit on Side C after the 3 songs that are on it that brings us down to those 3 songs taking up at least 17-18 minutes, which means that the average length is about 5:30-6:00 AT LEAST the Heroin-Change-Get Free 3 track run of long songs 2.0 is coming except it’s 4 tracks now too if you count Fingertips as well
  5. isn’t legend @IanadeIrey also responsible for the iconic Liz I’m Calling From Calihoma? LDR10 title track in the making i think
  6. im not being mean lol??? im joking about and pointing out how almost every lana album cycle has a pattern of a fake release date and a controversy, how is that being mean it’s just being observant
  7. right when we thought we were getting an album cycle where nothing went wrong, the uncanny patterns begin to show themselves… i fear this era’s controversy is dropping soon
  8. it’s so funny (and sad) that even this era we got a fake release date for the 5th album in a row
  9. A&W was camp, AW just sounds like she’s censoring herself maybe the title was actually changed back to American Whore and she posted the clean back cover and that’s why it’s censored (i know that’s not the case i’m just being delulu)
  10. so sad the album is delayed because i am going on vacation for a week starting on the 11th and was planning to lay on the beach listening to the album 24/7… praying for a leak
  11. it’s so funny that ben and ed read this website, the fact that they’ve probably seen all of our profiles <333
  12. 1. AW 2. Grandfather song 3. Margaret (I actually think I will love this song I love Bleachers)
  13. why would she announce a merch drop over 2 months away album is delayed until the 24th y’all might as well accept it now, although i don’t really think it has anything to do with miley it’s probably just vinyl manufacturing
  14. now that the track list is out i feel significantly less unhinged, like there is something in the air that finally set my soul free, i can rest now until the album leaks comes out
  15. i kinda think it’s delayed though because of vinyl production, the retailers probably won’t even have it in stores on March 10th yet which is why they had to push it back
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