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Lauren Bacall

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Everything posted by Lauren Bacall

  1. Lauren Bacall

    Song vs. Song

    two of my favourites cruel world vs terrence loves you
  2. weeds is the worst song on froot, what is this
  3. Lauren Bacall

    Song vs. Song

    west coast vs brooklyn baby
  4. did you find your bítch in me also, yes; froot is commonly interpreted as being about virginity (like hermit the frog)
  5. eliminate: born to die, national anthem immunity: shades of cool
  6. 140 pages of yall arguing about the same things over and over again. it's boring as shít. move on
  7. Lauren Bacall

    Song vs. Song

    super movie vs god knows i tried
  8. its possible that she can be dropped by her label if she stops being commercially successful i mean, she could always get picked up by another label but it could be one with a lower budget.... she might pull a marina
  9. tired of singing the blues
  10. eliminate: brooklyn baby, national anthem immunity: shades of cool
  11. Lauren Bacall

    Song vs. Song

    super movie vs your band is all the rage
  12. Lauren Bacall

    Song vs. Song

    pawn shop blues vs on our way
  13. Lauren Bacall

    Song vs. Song

    the ocean vs kill kill
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