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Everything posted by FLL

  1. As we move closer to May I feel less and less like we'll get it then. Especially considering merch and how long it takes to create the vast amount of product (vinyls, cds, etc.) Unless secretly she's having them made on the side, but then I'm shook that it hasn't leaked, even the tracklist, considering everything Lana touches is leaked before she's ready to release it.
  2. Yep I got an email saying that my copy shipped too.
  3. Plot twist the album won't ever be released as payback for us leaking Y.A.I.L.
  4. Imagine thinking about doing this, recording it, and posting it to twitter. When instead you could be going to church and praying to God.
  5. I don't think we'll get the pre-order too soon, why kill the buzz of the single she's got going? Maybe next Friday or probably more likely the Friday after.
  6. Fuk the h8trs. Honestly Lana Del Rey embodies the "damned if you do, damned if you don't." Like 4 months ago, we go back, we have every other ho begging for her new music to be more like her unreleased stuff like Resistance and shit. Now here we are, a song that is very stylistically and lyrically and SONICALLY Lana, but just has a more pop-y production, people are like DAMN HER ALL TO HELL.
  7. Except it's also available on Tidal & Spotify but sure yeah iTunes only.
  8. I mean on Honeymoon she repeats themes a lot, like if she didn't the album would basically be 2 songs. Even in LOVE she talks about being the "coolest"
  9. If this binch gets a bomb remix, I could finally twerk to a lana song at the clurb.
  10. The lyrics aren't really similar. BAR is a breakup song, Lust for Life is a love song.
  11. Theory : Lana is the H on the Hollywood sign. Proof: BAR--You used to dance underneath my architecture ; LFL--Dance on the H of the Hollywood sign.
  12. Take off your clothes is definitely a stab at Disney's Aladdin, Queen of diss tracks
  13. Idk Lana herself tho is no stranger to liking motorcycles tho, Ride, Angels Forever, Forever Angels...
  14. In 2 days will be back to the chart discussion and how she probs aint gonna promote the single anymore than what she's done 2day and how she's a flop.
  15. That subtle Motorcycle engine rev at the beginning
  16. Idk how you prononce Yosemite or Vegemite, but I assure you, you're pronouncing one of them wrong.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08lgbq6#play
  18. The FLAC is available on Tidal, 16bit but hey lossless.
  19. https://open.spotify.com/album/0NSognr1k6PH6SZZ6uv44G It's on Spotify
  20. Yes she's getting quite the attention in the British Isles where everyone in the world lives.
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