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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. Born To Die was the album I became a Lana fan with. I fell in love with Video Games when it hit the radio stations and Born To Die (the track) really got me hyped for this album. I listened the sh*t out of it and I rarely really play it by now. But each song kind of feels like an "old friend" and makes me a bit nostalgic.


    Paradise has this feeling of both freedom but also fragility for me. I don't listen to it very often, but i really love it when I do - every track evokes so many emotions.

    I played that a lot around the time I got my driving licence - I was driving around a lot and I also had a big crush on a straight boy by then. So Paradise kind of was my "soundtrack" by then, as cheesy as it may sound.


    Ultraviolence is still my favourite Lana album. I was soooo excited during the time it came out, I love the raw, emotional vibe and the more rock-ish, low-fi sound and I love how she really changed up her game for this recoird. It's still among my favourite albums and I love listening to it during summer.


    Honeymoon feels like the most mature album she has done yet. It's glamorous and I like the "escapism" vibe some of the tracks have, while others feel like a very hot afternoon. It's monotonous when listened to in full, especially the second half, but it's beautiful and every track on it is great. Took me some time to fully appreciate, but by now I love it.


    Everything you have just said hits the nail on the head, especially the 'old friend' part - I thought I was a bit odd for thinking that so I am glad other people think it too  :worship:




    I heard Video Games on the radio at school a few months after Lana's big breakthrough, which converted me from a hater to a fan (I thought she was so depressing and boring and couldn't sing after seeing her The Voice 2012 performance of Blue Jeans - forgive me I was young and incredibly stupid back then, I even mocked a friend for liking her.)

    It was the first album I felt an actual connection to, and one that I didn't get bored of so easily. I could always come back to it and I felt a different connection with each song.


    Paradise converted me from a hardcore fan to a HARDCORE STAN, especially Cola. However, Cola was a bit to slutty for my innocent 14yo ass but those days are far behind me and it is one of my all time favourite songs. :sluttybunny:


    UV is like someone who will just listen and always be there if I am feeling down or anxious. There are so many individual tracks on UV which are also special to me for different reasons.


    HM is a lovely escapist album, one I won't listen to much but if I am wanting to transport myself to a different world then HM is the one I will listen to.


    LFL has been there for me through a though past year in my life (and Lanaboards). Love especially is such a beautiful song, and is like my Video Games 2.0 - a beautiful song I don't listen to much, but is such a masterpiece which will stand the test of time.


    (And AKA is also an album I haven't really appreciated until a couple of months ago. I had always loved it but didn't really passionately love it like I love the other albums yet now it is one of my favourite all time albums. I think of it as a younger sister to UV, and is perfect in every way although it would have been more perfect if Smarty/Brite Lites was swapped for Trash Magic ).

  2. Were the tickets for the tour sold out like under 30 mins?? I tried to get some very soon after I saw her IG post but I couldn't get any! :( 


    (Also sorry if this has already been discussed, I have missed so much over the past few days and my eyes are aching from reading so many posts I have missed  :toofunny: )

  3. I have been away since the 13th of July and tried to read the 140 pages I missed to get the gist of what's been happening:


    - LFL snippets from french site

    - LFL digital booklet

    - German interview (if anyone has a link for this I would really appreciate it)



    If I have missed anything I would love it if you guys could update me, thank you!  :heart:




    Its funny how my least anticipated songs have now turned around to become my most anticipated songs:

    - TOMORROW NEVER CAME gives me some really cool tropical vibes, LOVE the part where she sings "If I had my way, you would always stay".

    - I really wasn't sure about WTWWAWWKD but ohmygod I love the chorus, it sounds so passionate and not what I expected at all.

    - IN MY FEELINGS is the biggest surprise, INCREDIBLE sassy lyrics and production. SO excited for this one.


    And I now think Coachella is a great fit for the album, it is amazing how other songs on an album can completely transform songs which I didn't like on their own.


    As much as I am upset about the 4 LFL outtakes we know of, it's weird because I have actually come to a place where I am not really upset about it and I have hope we will hear them in the future.


    ALSO ONE LAST POINT idk if I just skipped this part of the thread but I am surprised I didn't see any comments about Lana saying how the project with Boi1da will come out later this year? And although I am not a rap fan at all, I would be so down for an A$AP and Lana album.

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