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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. Oh God y'all have me scared to watch it. But it can't be THAT bad, ya'll. This is Lana, queen of recycling. Let's just be grateful that she didn't decide to never released the footage at all. Yes she's a lazy fat but we were never getting BAR so getting the video is still a nice placeholder and what better song to throw on it than the worst on the album?! :legend:


    tbh - Freak is my favourite video she has ever done so I am not even against her recycling footage but.... it just doesn't work imo  :icant:

  2. Same. Froot is a really solid record. Happy alone :legend: Maybe it's different for people who have been longtime fans since TFJ/EH. I only started listening to her after Froot was released so I didn't have a fixed image of her musically.


    Yeah same! When I think about Marina's music, I think of FROOT style records rather than her earlier ones. There just seems to be so much depth to the FROOT tracks in particular, and so much raw emotion which I could (and still can) relate to a lot when it was released.

  3. This is what I'm going with. It sounds like a weird mix of "come" and "gone" but "gone" definitely makes more sense. Now that her friends have left, she's alone and wants to leave...idk about the staying another year part, maybe it's complacency/ comfort in routine


    To me, the "gone" makes a lot more sense, although I can hear "come" too but I am also going with "gone"


    I think the staying another year part is her wanting to leave but because she is so confused about what she actually wants, she will probably stay until she figures things out 

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