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Posts posted by californianfreak




    Finally.... I'm crossing the threshold

    From the ordinary woo-ooo-oorld to the reveal of my heart

    (and the rest of Get Free)


    IT'S FUCKING HOT and the whole rest of Heroin's bridge and outro


    The LFL video when Lana starts dancing


    The whistling in WM and when she sings "you're gonna hear my like lightnin'" (I just can't hear 'hit me like lightning')


    All of cherry, but in particular the bridge


    Coachella's outro


    World at War's and GBA's pre chorus (some of the best pre choruses she has ever done imo)

  2. I seem to have a very unpopular opinion - Better Than That is one of my all-time favourites!!  :hair:


    Tbh Idek if I can order my favourites from FROOT! All the tracks are so special in different ways but here we go...


    1. Froot

    2. Blue

    3. Better Than That

    4. Weeds

    5. Forget

    6. Happy 

    7. Solitaire

    8. I'm A Ruin

    9. Can't Pin Me Down

    10. Immortal

    11. Gold

    12. Savages

  3. Hey, I advise you to delete anything Sky you have and go listen to someone else. Like, Banks, Choli XCX.


    Give up on Sky.



    uh oh I'll keep my expectations for new music low!


    I could never really get into Charli XCX, although I am gonna give Banks a try at some point - LB seem to love her!


    and that's only the time that Masochism has been referred as "soon".

    We also got UV since NTMT

    omg shut up let the girl alone. Charlie xbox and Bank can't even COMPARE to legend Sky Ferrari lmfaoo delusional


    oh wow and UV seems so far away as well... 

  4. it's coming out soon since 2015


    yikes  :um3: that actually seems crazy to think that we have had HM AND LFL in the time that Masochism has been "coming soon"...


    And I thought Lana's definition of soon was bad!!

  5. stan her! her first album is good but pretend that she retired and dont hope for new material lmao


    I love it!! It's so addictive - especially the title track  :flutter:  but omg okay thank you for the warning! 


    It's just as well I know now actually because I was starting to get pretty hyped thinking that Masochism would be out soon... 

  6. she's dumb









    #RELEASEMASOCHISM (if it even exists?)  :toofunny:



    uh oh I just bought NTMT.... it might be too late for me..

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