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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. I was planning on only buying the black hoodie at my show but then I saw the price jumped from $85 to $100 lmao. I was riding my Lana high though and bought the tour shirt and a hat, which I'm a fan of tbh. Sucks that most of this merch is lame AND expensive tho. The windbreaker is kind of cute, I guess. That album jacket is tacccccky. 


    OH FLIP!! I have it and I love it but... I thought even $85 was pushing it!

  2. Probably already slagged these off in here lel but I re-listened to them and it bugged me again


    Terrence loves you; 


    'i'd never dare change THEE'


    lazy af. Maybe if you followed it with 'to what thou art not' it'd make a bit more sense. But using archaic language just because it rhymed and looks cool will never not suck. Use the language of the times. And if you have to really force a rhyme, just don't. I'd never dare change you to what you are not. There, that's fine. 




    It's such a pretty song, but after the second verse it becomes unlistenable (just like she said) because all I hear is


    'You used to do poison poison, like i was poison poison, coz i was filled with poison, poison poison poison'


    Get thee some synonyms 




  3. I saw a comment on facebook of someone saying: ''I hope she gets killed so the world can no more hear her moaning on another album.'' Like WTF why are there all this crazy people that want her to be killed, WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU!! 


    Literally this gets me so angry 

  4. Rehabilitation doesn't work.There have been countless cases of criminals committing AGAIN the same crimes after "rehabilitation".No, what they do need is increased punishment and sentences not rehabilitation.Why should we "help" them? They stepped the point of no return the moment they harmed an innocent person.They are a danger to society.Don't forget that prisons get funded by our own taxes. I don't see why do I have to pay with my taxes for some motherfucker that harmed an innocent.I rather give that money to help the victims and not the sick motherfucker in jail.Pedophiles,rapists and murderers what they deserve is death sentence on spot. Not some jail time and "rehabilitation".



    I am not trying/wanting to argue with you but I just wanted to offer another viewpoint as someone who studies Psychology and mental health - I do see what you mean, sometimes people have psychotic traits which are very difficult to 'fix', so in that sense keeping them in prison for the safety of the public is good.


    Other times though, people who commit these crimes do have some kind of chemical imbalance in their brains and that is what causes them to do what they did e.g. there is a case of a man getting paedophilic urges, and he discovered he had a tumour. Once the tumour was removed, the urge went away and he returned to normal. Schizophrenics often have a chemical imbalance in their brains, and their brains are slightly different to other people - finding the right dosages of drugs can help improve them a lot, as well as therapy. The amount of cases where people have gone into a prison as 'sane' but come out with mental illnesses such as PTSD, anxiety, depression etc is shocking. I agree people should pay for their actions, but to stop them reoffending sometimes rehabilitation is needed too. 


    From what I have seen, this man may well have some mental health condition and it is unlikely to go away from just being locked up - I wouldn't be surprised if it got worse. Being in prison will be a good thing to protect Lana and the rest of society, but while he is in there some psychiatric help would very likely benefit him so he doesn't try and do the same thing again as soon as he is released. 

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