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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. but isn't she in university? how's that supposed to go?


    'sorry guys, i have to postpone the album release there are so many tests i have to study for like i wanna die, i hate everyone here, school sux lol'


    unless she is on a part time course?

    but then again actually that would still be impossible


    or maybe she's doing a short course and will return after?


    idk whatever she's doing I hope she is not working herself too hard!

  2. Well for me it's special because of her raw vocals. Like all the intruments used in songs (except for Freak, HBTB and TBD) aren't so potent as BTD. It's a very complex record with it's own theme, that's why you can't love it 24/7. You have to be in the RIGHT mood to listen as a whole album. 

    Yeah I see what you mean actually. I guess I need to appreciate that it is very different from her other albums and it does need a specific mood when you listen to it!

  3. Genuine question - 


    I do love Honeymoon, in fact MTWBT and TBD are some of my all-time favourite LDR songs, but I just don't have as much love for it as a whole unlike all her other records.

    I get a confused vibe from it - like it feels like a record which is half 'jazz' and half trap beats? And then some of the songs are packed with emotion (TBD) whereas others seem to try and escape emotion (HBTB)? 


    Please can a HM stan explain why it's so special?

  4. The unpure me back in 2011/2012 hated Lana. I thought she was boring and all her songs sounded the same - I even remember rolling my eyes and walking out the room while she came on with her performance on The Voice UK.


    Nothing really happened from then until 2013 where the radio was playing in class and Video Games came on. I knew it was Lana but instantly fell in love with the song, and as soon as I got home I bought Born To Die on iTunes!





    INHA is absolutely perfect and I am so glad we finally got to hear it... but I actually wouldn't have put it on FROOT.  

    I wouldn't know what song to swap it out with - I think every single one of them (including Weeds) have an important place on the record and taking one of them off just wouldn't be the same.


    Although I do think INHA would have made a good closer.



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