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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. TBH


    I am not sure if it will be out on the 26th - like I wouldn't be surprised if it did but then again if you look at this screenshot from the LFL trailer:




    so, the galaxy = Love, XO = Lust for Life, chimera logo = Tomorrow Never Came, Mercury = ?


    I think we still have two more singles to go before release tbh and the LFL video


    I wouldn't be surprised if it was push back to July as some sources are saying but like at the same time because so many sources have said its out on the 26th then idk its so confusing

    (and that's not including the whisk as a symbol for a single)

  2. speaking the ''To begin with..all you need is LOVE" , it would slay my entire existence if she put a little monologue for the intro that featured those exact words....and right after that line , LOVE would fade in and begin the album



    idk why but for WTWWAWWKD (longest abbreviation ever) I am getting The Blackest Day teas 

  3. do you guys think the tracklist is all being released in the correct order? 


    wait so if it is... then


    1.Love (I think it must be first because 'to begin with - all you need is love' on Lana's ig

    2. Lust for Life

    3. Yosemite

    4. Tomorrow Never Came ft Sean Lennon

    5. God Bless America

    6. Beautiful People ft Stevie Nicks (HELL YES)

    7. When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing


    Also excuse my bad memory but I think I messed up the correct order of announcement but YOU GET THE IDEA

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