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Posts posted by californianfreak



    Warwick Avenue is one of my favourite all time songs  :flutter:


    And Rockferry is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.


    Ugh I need to get back into her and listen a lot more like I used to

  2. I'm just so ready to hear all the new songs on the album and soak in its message. Waiting is so hard. I got into Lana around Honeymoon, but I wasn't really a super big fan until last year. I want to know what it's like to hold a brand new Lana record that I've been anticipating.


    its a dream come true - and it gets better every era  :flutter:  it fills you with so much pride to think what an amazing artist you stan, and for me it feels like I'm home (might sound a bit odd)

  3. No. #TeamStrawberry


    Do you agree purple is the best color?


    purple is the best colour by far


    do you agree that doggos are better than cats

    oops @Arcadia beat me too it


    no - I don't think anything can top BTD but I think LFL will be her next biggest album!


    Do you agree that doggos are better than cats?

  4. I remember a day before a Lana show in Poland we decided to take a walk around the field of the festival and then I heard her songs and I told my friends GUYS I CAN HEAR WEST COAST GODDAMN IT and they were like you're crazy you're delusional


    But the closer we got the louder it was getting so others started to hear them too so we got to the rehearsal thanks to my DELUSIONS :smokes3:


    I do something similar!


    If instrumentals of LDR songs are used on TV or something, I will automatically start humming along before I even realise its an LDR song or that I am humming along

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