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About BlueBambi

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  1. A week ago I wrote a song I poured everything into and i quite like it When was the last time you gave someone a compliment?
  2. three of my teeth, as long as I can get dentures Would you rather have your toe get dislocated whenever you have sex or get a nosebleed when your period starts (for dudes whenever you get an unwanted boner)
  3. without alcohol would you rather go without snapchat or instagram
  4. today what was the last time you took a drug
  5. yesterday evening last time you slept naked
  6. yesterday when was the last time you kissed someone and regretted it
  7. 2 weeks ago when was the last time you ate spaghetti
  8. when I was twelve so 5 years ago, think it was an ABBA one when was the last time you stole something?
  9. BlueBambi

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    Marry Charlie Fuck Mike Kill Jon Mads Mikkelsen Mac DeMarco Kevin Parker
  10. what the hell, I guess my breasts since they're not that big so it'll be quick. Plus a tongue is hard to heal would you rather weigh 35 kilo or 170
  11. I think a year ago? Delicious I think, what was the last time you spilled a drink?
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