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Posts posted by Quentin

  1. Gonzai interview *hipster alert*


    These boots are made for running


    Why let herself lock up in a role when you can be the master of the scenario ? Yet almost anonymous, the American Lizzy Grant, 24, has not taken the risk and already presents herself as the "gangsta Nancy Sinatra".


    In its character of Lana Del Rey, she puts in scene her fatal beauty, sticks a sulky pout and directs her watery eyes towards the camera, tragic actress irresistible for her clip Video Games. Archive footage dating sometimes of yesterday, punctuated by explosions on Playstation, we finds there the paradoxes of our generation, which she says condemned. Her voice is sublimated by a harp, the melody and the voice are soft and oppressive: she's like a distraught girl squeezing too hard the neck of her lover. Character almost worthy of a Lynch film, with all the cliches that implies, she dreams of being an heroine of film noir and has found the perfect trailer for her album in preparation.
    It could be a blockbuster, unless she reaches actually nothing and join the ranks of disillusioned pop stars. But I wanted to interview her no matter what happens, while she is only at the beginning of this career, almost as if I had been able to discuss with Britney before with her two braids and her open blouse becomes a generational icon. I hear fatty laughters resounding thus far, the laughters of guys who, on the contrary, are on knees in front of Tyler The Creator because he understood everything about life. But while Tyler invents bitches by drinking whey in the living room of his mum, Lana Del Rey makes an open letter to the torturers of her heart, as on the most R'n'B Diet Mtn Dew. Even if she has a jazz formation, consciously or not, the big sisters Nancy, Nico, Britney, Nina, Madonna, Beyonce, Aaliyah watch. Like a queen of the bees, she surrounds herself well : her producer has worked with the Strokes, Regina Spektor... She has already two managers at her boots, it's to them that I spoke to contact their protected. Now based in London, she answer for the moment to interviews only by email. It wasn't the interview of the century, nor a discussion between friends on MSN, just an interview that she was perhaps trained to respond since her adolescence, waiting her time.

    Hello Lana, are you real ?
    Yes, I am as real as we can be. I'm one of those millions of girls living the dark side of the American dream. I like cars, bad boys and good music.

    The songs that you put online so far are love stories of a morbid sadness. Do you sometimes feel grateful to all those boys that break your heart and inspire you ?
    No, they do not deserve the least embrace, nor least pity. Although some of them should still be credited for all the tortured lyrics they inspire me.

    Originally you are a jazz singer ; why this new direction rather pop and R'n'B ?
    I did not make consciously the decision to go to a register more street. The inspiration for my first record, which I recorded with the producer David Khane, came to me from places where I evolved and from the boys who pleased me. All that transposed in a cinematographic style, that could serve as a soundtrack for a film noir. I lived in the Bronx during four years and later in Brooklyn, so I bathed in hip hop, and the heavy beats on this album came naturally.

    Pop stars nowadays can still pretend to be icons ?
    The only thing that pop stars make well today, it's to perpetuate the heritage of the celebrity. I believe in the power of elevating people to the rank of icons, and even living gods, if they deserve it. Elvis deserved it, he was by nature of a disturbing cool.

    What expectations you had on Britney's new album ?
    In my opinion she can not fail, she's the only real female pop star, and I'm sure she really believes in what she sings. She is driven in her own Hollywood tragedy, and it's beautiful to watch.

    How would you describe our generation ?

    If you're the new Nancy Sinatra, then who's your Lee Hazlewood ?
    Reeve Carney (this guy is starring at the moment in Broadway in the role of Spiderman, note)

    Who currently works on your album ?
    Many people : movie composers with a classical formation, and hip-hop producers. The perfect mix to attain an ideal beauty.

    Is that really you that play the harp in Video Games ?
    I am afraid not, honey : it's Robopop.

    This video is breathtaking, where does this dramatic side come from ?
    I was surprised by all the attention it has received. I am a very dramatic girl. I live for the drama in all its splendor. This includes music, videos, my loves : if it's not epic, it's not worth it.


  2. @@maru [-] November 15th, RTL Radio Station (with Steven Bellery) - France

    Cherie FM in 6 parts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6) and Europe 1, you probably have this one i guess ?


    She also participed to La Musicale Special Girls for Canal+ (not so long after the Concert Privée) but as i stated here we can't find the interview anywhere. I've PMed the guy from the link Paraiso gave me to ask him if he still has the files but he didn't answer yet and their boards is kind of dead :(

  3. TSUGI interview peeps, i'll correct the mistakes (if there still are) later corrected

    Enjoy, the Twin Peaks vibes are strong in this one :oprah:


    Interview "First times" : Lana Del Rey

    We chatted with the pop sensation the most coveted of this second half of 2011. First time interview with Lana Del Rey.

    A video emerges on the first July on the internet and sets ablaze the music world's in a few days. It is "Video Games" of Lana Del Rey, we've already spoken of her a bunch of times. A couple of months later, the phenomenon incredibly swelled up, the haters unearthed everything they could to thwart her rise in power, while Lizzy Grant (her real name) bump on her debut album (scheduled to March 2012).


    While she began her first tour (it will pass to the Casino on November 7th) and is about to shoot a new clip under the direction of the frenchy Yoann Lemoine (aka Woodkid), we were able to speak with her to approach her first times.


    First life before Lana Del Rey ?
    I was born in Manhattan but I grew in Lake Placid in the north of the state of New York. A very calm city in the countryside, of something like 2000 habitants. I remained there until my 14 years then I left to change school.

    Because you were bored ?
    Not because I was bored no, rather because I had put myself in troubles ! I went out every nights, my parents ended up by sending me to a private school.

    First musical memories ?
    My father (Rob Grant, a real estate broker who made his fortune later in the business of internet domain names, note) very often put the Beach Boys in his Ford Thunderbird. I also used to sing with my mom. My two parents sing.

    First record bought ?
    Are you sure you want to know ? (laughs) It was a cassette single "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio ! It was a good song !


    First concert ticket bought ?
    I think I never really went to a concert... I know it sounds weird... I'll see my friends play in the city, but I've never been to a real show of someone famous. I think it's mainly because I had no money. Now I should be able to go without paying...


    First job ?
    I was a waitress in Lake Placid from my 15 years in a restaurant. I did that until my 20 years almost. It was in a steakhouse. I rather liked that I believe, I was a very good waitress ! If my career stops, I could get back to serve pancakes in the morning with a big smile.


    First bender ?
    I was fourteen, in the woods of Lake Placid. It did not end too badly that night. I had the impression of reaching the paradise. It became a problem only slightly later (laughs).


    First steps into music ?
    I also didn't know what I wanted, if it is not sing. I began surveying the "open mic" evenings (free scenes where everyone can participate) in New York during which you can get on stage to sing a single song. I participated to a songwriting contest then in Brooklyn. And I did not win, but one of the judges was working for an indie label and I ended up signing with them, 5 Points Records. Lastly I was their only artist, at the time.

    First song released ?
    It was an EP released in 2009 called Kill Kill and which contained the song of the same name as well as two other songs, "Yayo" and "Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)".


    It was a good first experience ?
    It was pretty strange. I worked with incredible people (including producer David Kahne, who has worked with Paul McCartney, The Strokes, The Bangle...) who thought I was good, it has finally validated my idea of music. Then my first album was forgotten on a shelf even before its release. It was finally released, but only for three months before being removed. It was quite difficult, I was proud of this record, but apparently that did not go.
    So I continued to make music alone in my corner and I signed on my new label only four weeks ago (Stranger Records releases its first double single, Polydor will release the album in France) ! It was a long and difficult journey, but it looks like things are getting a little easier for me right now.

    First show performed ?
    I was about 18 years old, a guy from one of the open scenes proposed me to open his concert the next day. I took my guitar and played about thirty minutes, at Layla Lounge in Williamsburg. It was strange, my music was dark, a little jazzy, that did not go at all with the rest of the evening. However people listened to me religiously and I said myself that I maybe held something.

    Do you remember your first interview ?
    Yes I remember ! It was for Index Magazine. What is quite funny is that the second interview took about three years to arrive !

    Do you remember the first time where you said yourself that you had the possibility of making a real career ?
    When David Kahne wanted to work with me. We had sent via my label my demos to five different producers and he had called me. In the United States it's a big name, he made unbelievable records with unbelievable groups. Therefore I told myself that I could have my little career, make music that I like and turn across Europe.

    And the first time when the buzz around you scared you ?
    Two or three months ago I became very nervous to what was happening because I didn't understand very well. Since I had spent so long to do these new songs I hoped that people would start to like them. But I did not expect such strong reactions. And to an amount of people who violently hated my music. I did not sign up for this. I thought I would have preferred not having a career at all rather than have to meet such hard oppositions. Build his career is already hard enough.

    You understood the controversy that has swollen ?
    To be honest I'm still confused about this. People are starting to say that I have changed, that there's a big machine behind me while I repeat, I signed my deal with a label only four weeks ago and I still do the same kind of music, trying to make it as beautiful as possible. "Video Games" was my favorite song but it's long and very personal, I did not think people would like it so much. Especially since my first album was also like that, so I didn't understand why people started to love when they weren't paying attention to the previous record.

    First people to whom you turn to have an opinion on your music ?
    My lawyer (laughs) ! He is also one of my managers, so he knows about music. And my managers are primarily my friends, I love them, it seems logical to turn to them.


    First big mistake in your career ?
    It's hard to say. I know that I made a mistake but I don't know where. If all goes well now, I have the impression that the road has been hard. But I always did the music I wanted to do. But I feel that I made the wrong choice at a one time.


  4. SPIN did a fascinating run-down on every name in the credits, which was really helpful (especially as a new fan) to my understanding of the album and its creation. :creep: I wouldn't have seen the Daft Punk collaborations coming, just from listening to the songs they worked on. 


    I'm really loving "Bound 2" right now. I mean, I literally laugh out loud when he's all "I wanna fuck you in the bathroom sink", but the way Charlie's vocals combine with the samples is just  :flutter: .


    Great article, thanks for the tip! Except their description of Gesaffelstein which is very cheap. He already released a tons of remix and a couple of EPs, he's always on tour everywhere and he dropped this masterpiece 3 days ago *sneaky promotion*




    Bound 2 has a really good vibe, the way the samples are used reminds of Ye's first albums. Uh-huh, honey :hooker:

  5. I don't listen that much to remixes, i hate when they speed up her voice or shit like that. There are not a lot of Lana's songs that are remixable imo. But here's my two favorites:


    Blue Jeans by Gesaffelstein: very dark (as always with him), love the beat


    Summertime Sadness by Ryan Hemsworth: Ryan's very talented producer, he made SS really haunting

  6. "I never met anyone who cared about music as deeply as me and my boyfriend, or who really cared about poetry—who really lived it and breathed it. I haven’t met anyone so far. I just can’t affiliate with those people."


    This woman worked with Rick Rubin... Even if it was for six days... :smh: Her interviews are getting worse and that's what this one is screaming to me:



  7. my copy of yeezus is going to be delivered on the 24th.................................................................................................





    it took a month for my paradise box set to arrive, why is it always the music i'm actually excited about....


    ikr i canceled mine, i paid 17€ and it wasn't going to be dispatched before the 21... my friends in the us got it for 9,99$ and already have the fucking cd in their hands... fml it's because of his no pre-order strategy :deadbanana:

  8. but the only thing i'm missing is the interview, and is almost impossible to find it








    this is from la musicale especiale girls from november 2011 (canal plus france)


    anyone of you guys have this interview?


    Canal+ website don't have the replay of the show so I did some google research but their show's name is so f*cking random... I've found interviews of the others artist but not of Lana FML. I'll try to look if someone recorded the whole thing on french torrents site. I guess she didn't say a lot of relevant things otherwise it'll still be online somewhere or we would have articles that talk about it. Anyway, my research ended on this "live" video of Kinda Outta Luck which is pretty cool lol :



    I'm gonna listen to this one in full, methinks. I have 'Watch the Throne,' and even though I prefer Jay-Z's flow and voice, he's quite a star in his own right. :P 

    And the fact Rick Rubin was the key producer has me FASCINATED. It's always so surprising when a Pop or Rock producer crosses over to Hip-Hop, and vice versa...like Mike Elizondo and Fiona/Regina, and Jon Brion to Kanye.  :creep: 



    You may find this interesting if you haven't read it yet, Rick talked about working on Yeezus with Kanye: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2013/06/14/the-inside-story-of-kanye-wests-yeezus/

    "Five songs still needed vocals and two or three of them still needed lyrics.  He said, “Don’t worry, I will score 40 points for you in the fourth quarter.” In the two hours before had to run out to catch the plane, he did exactly that:  finished all lyrics and performed them with gusto." :toofunny:


    Your thoughts on his use of Strange Fruit ? I ain't gonna lie, Blood On The Leaves is my favorite song of the album, the mix between TNGHT's R U Ready and the sample is perf.

    Nina's version:



    Also this: Kanye West on 'Yeezus' Leak: I Give 'No F*cks at All' :toofunny: oh and congratz Kanye :party:

  10. Cudi's actually on it! Official tracklist:

    1. On Sight (Produced by Daft Punk) [Malik Yusef, Rhymefest]
    2. Black Skinhead (Produced by Daft Punk) [CyHi The Prynce, Lupe Fiasco, Malik Yusef]
    3. I Am A God (Featuring God) (Produced by Daft Punk) [Hudson Mohawke, Justin Vernon, Malik Yusef, Rhymefest]
    4. New Slaves (Featuring Frank Ocean) (Malik Yusef, Rhymefest)
    5. Hold My Liquor (Feat. Chief Keef & Justin Vernon) [Alejandro Ghersi, Malik Yusef, Rhymefest]
    6. I’m In It (Feat. Travis Scott) [Justin Vernon, Malik Yusef]
    7. Blood On The Leaves [Hudson Mohawke, Tony Williams]
    8. Guilt Trip (Feat. Kid Cudi) (Produced by S1)
    9. Send It Up (Feat. King L) [Alejandro Ghersi, Daft Punk, Gesaffelstein]
    10. Bound 2 (Feat. Charlie Wilson) [John Legend]



  11. Does anyone have any good PS3 games to recommend? I'd like to play a new one, since i haven't gotten a new game in a while.. finished all the games I currently have. 


    The Last of Us is out tomorrow and it's the best game of the console, i'll buy it as soon as i can :bodyisready:

  12. Regarding how the game looks in the trailer, KH3 is very early in his development (if his development actually began), don't expect it soon tbh. FF versus XIII which is FF XV now is in development since 2006 lol.


    @Raphael The new Mirror's Edge will be an open-world game : "We're bringing Faith back in this open-world [emphasis added] action adventure game," source more details here

  13. The tracklist leaked :

    1. On Site (Prod. Daft Punk)
    2. Black Skin Head (Prod. Daft Punk)
    3. I Am A God (Prod. Daft Punk)
    4. New Slaves feat. Frank Ocean (samples ‘Gyöngyhajú lány’ by Omega)
    5. Can’t Hold My Liquor feat. Chief Keef & Justin Vernon
    6. I’m In It feat. Justin Vernon
    7. Blood On The Leaves (samples ‘Strange Fruit’ by Billie Holiday) (Prod. Hudson Mohawke)
    8. Guilt Trip feat. Travis Scott
    9. Send It Up feat. King L (Prod. Gesaffelstein)
    10. Bound feat. Charlie Wilson (samples ‘Bound” contains samples of ‘Bound’ by Ponderosa Twins Plus One and ‘Sweet Nothin’s’ by Brenda Lee)


    He did an interview for the NY Times - must read : http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/16/arts/music/kanye-west-talks-about-his-career-and-album-yeezus.html


    I thought Yeezus wasn't available for pre-order? Whaaaat?


    I think he made it unavailable to pre-order on itunes and maybe some US stores, i also pre-ordered mine on amazon.

  14. I prefer Kanye as a producer and artist, I really don't think he's that great at rapping (especially lyrically), he's released a lot of shit, his production work is amazing though. I'm really looking forward to Yeezus and have pre-ordered it, what I've heard so far sounds very good. I first checked it out when I read that a lot of people were saying it was inspired by Death Grips and after listening to some of the tracks/watching the SNL performances, I definitely agree. He absolutely has an enormous ego and he shows it but to me it's reached comical proportions and I just find it funny and I'm not annoyed by it. I would have appreciated him working with a few non-mainstream artists. Skrillex, Frank Ocean, Daft Punk and James Blake are pretty unimaginative choices in my opinion.


    What do you mean ? Because they're mainstream now he can't work with them anymore ? Frank was featured on WTT before all the hype around him begin. He's friend with the Daft, he makes music with the people he feel close to and artists from his label like Hudson, what's wrong with that ? He has already worked with most of them : RZA, Bon Iver, John Legend, Frank, Pusha etc. Most of the "rapper" now wants big names on their album, they want to make features with artists they don't even know, remember that French Montana quote ?


    Here's a new track produced by Gesaffelstein (a french DJ and producer), he did a (fantastic) remix of Blue Jeans you may know him for that :)


  15. It's not Mirror's Edge 2 though, it's a prequel. The problem is that we probably won't have it anytime soon, DICE have to develop one Battlefield per year and the new Star Wars :( but well it's better than never i guess. I hope people will actually buy it this time :crossed:


    @@NamiraWilhelm The trailer of DA3 wasn't really impressing especially after The Witcher 3, waiting some gameplay footage :pray:

  16. The production of this album is going to be insane. I've never heard something like that, the drums in Black Skinhead are crazy! And On Site... I'm glad the robots are finally back :oprah:

  17. Let's talk about Yeezy. :legend:




    His next album Yeezus will be out in 8 days with (rumored) productions and featurings from S1, The Heatmakerz, Skrillex, Rick Rubin, Hudson Mohawke, Daft Punk, Young Chop, Chief Keef, Frank Ocean, Justin Vernon, Travis Scott & King L.


    He started to "promote" his album by projecting New Slaves in the streets around the world



    Then he performed at the season final of the SNL, here's an uncensored version of Black Skinhead (produced by the Daft Punk) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeOKZdgrr6U


    Last night at the Governors Ball, he performed two new songs : On Site (rumored to be produced by the Daft) and I am a God



    Yeezy said some words about the promotion of this album last night : "Honestly, when I listen to radio, that ain't where I wanna be no more. At this point, I could give a fuck about selling a million records, as long as I put out an album that you can rock to all motherfucking summer." If you want to know more about his current actuality read this.


    Kanye also recently co-produced Pusha T's Numbers on the Boards and did a quick appearance in the clip (which was shot by SO ME in Paris)


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