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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. Dbree doesn't load on data could someone upload it elsewhere for me 🥺
  2. So we're still missing a good chunk of songs
  3. I can't listen to the taxi file it's not supported
  4. I can't get over needle and thread 😭 I needed this to heal
  5. More and more snippets keep surfacing 😳 I wonder how many songs total will leak
  6. Literally me when I saw it's length, the fairy soiree one is so good it's less then 2 min
  7. Lol e how basically the whole third albums leaked and we still don't have gold diggin love studio or the one studio
  8. I wonder if Mel ever did anything else with barely any juice tbh
  9. It did, it's so good 🥺
  10. Gardens got me in my feels I got dumped on my birthday early October and this song perfectly fits lol 🥲😬
  11. 👀 I guess he deleted it because I don't see it
  12. So I wonder what we're missing, I absolutely love the songs so much ahhh I can't function
  13. Came here to say this, easily one if the best leaks from mm3 along with tunnel vision
  14. I need moon cycle 🥺
  15. I love how about 99% of the comments on the Fallon performance are positive..... It's working Charles keep it up girlie
  16. Lost and found is so good wtf ?
  17. Oop ok I wasn't sure I don't follow Halsey so ?
  18. Ngl Charli's version of issues is superior sorry I don't make the rules Her voice just suits it so much better
  20. Well I hope Charli is doing ok
  21. They must of been deleted because I was unable to find them
  22. Imagine how tired we are, just please Melanie give us something..... ANYTHING
  23. She put her whole pu$#y into History, it's like crack I can't get enough. It's like a high every listen ???
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