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Posts posted by CrazySister

  1. Have an orgasm.


    Would you rather die at the worst way possible and revive the day of your death for the rest of eternity or be immortal and live a extremely depressed and lonely life?

  2. I have some thoughts:

    1. I can see this song relating to "You should never come between a woman and her dream" from Afraid. She had to take the decision of pursue her career and fame or stay with him. Now she's dragging herself because things didn't happen the way she thought it would, the way she imagined in "Hollywood" for example. Maybe she feels like she made the wrong decision.


    2. It could be her dragging herself because she was so obsessed with her dream that she didn't value what she had at the time. She regrets now because fame doesn't feel that wonderful as she thought it was.

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