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Everything posted by markeyvee

  1. I feel so special living in Delray Beach lol
  2. LMFAO, bitch BYE. Get the fuck over it. Lana isn't the only singer who performs privately for people and she certainly wont be the last. Lana is finally living her dream. She is a singer. SHE GETS PAID TO SING. How could some of you so called Lana fans try to take that away from her? Like really get the fuck over yourselves. I also don't understand that hate that comes along with the Kardashian family. But that's another rant.
  3. Doesn't make her cheap....Big stars do private weddings/events all the time. Mariah Carey, Xtina, Celine, etc
  4. Do we have an official album cover? is it that picture of her lighting a cig
  5. i've been MIA for awhile...an earlier album leaked? PM me to where i can listen please
  6. it looks like she got more fillers in her lips but its probs just me
  7. wow i didn't realize he was the DJ at club space down here! i go there all the time. maybe ill see him and force him to stop
  8. My Momma I'm Going Out W/ a Bang Live or Die
  9. "I was kind of a night owl and just walked around and met weird people. That was me picking up life experiences and meshing them into my own. That really did it for me." i think that quote kinda confirms that some of this could be fictional and she's just writing off the experiences of the people that she met. but i still believe K is real
  10. I feel like a proud parent every time I hear Summertime Sadness on the radio here. And though it's a shitty remix i'm still glad she's getting some kind of recognition.
  11. Black Beauty? Angels Forever? Maybe those two.. Especially Angels Forever. Someone mentioned that she said a line in the song 'we are heavy metal lions, they will never understand...etc' in an interview. Not word for word but when asked about Barrie she said something really egotistical about no one understanding them. I think it was the interview when everyone started hating on lana or whatevz edit: never mind she says something about being California proud in angels forever LOL okay you're right.
  12. I wonder how Barrie feels about her still writing about her exes...I'm a jealous person so I'd be pretty uspet
  13. Not to mention in the ride monologue she says she was born to be da other woman, so like yeah. Great analysis! They wouldn't have been seen together publicly if she was the other woman for obvious reasons. And like, what usually happens in affairs is the whole girl or other person is like so obsessed with the idea of being the main chick/dude so the cheater is like 'one day babe, yes we will be together! yes! yes!' also the person who talked to one of Jimmy's relatives or whatever, i doubt he would speak openly about having affair so maybe they just didn't know. like i find it so hard for someone to be writing songs and proclaiming love for someone they don't know. I mean unless lana is really psycho...she did say she was crazy so you know.
  14. LOL why y'all gotta be so critical of something you haven't watched yet idgi
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