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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. I find people who think this is a new direction for her odd I mean did you guys listen to the rap songs on super ultra or true romance this isn't new she legit did a similar single like this for what I like

    artwork is legendary as i said but that god awful haircut needs to end

    it's a nice haircut and she can look beautiful with it but she has a round face so its not always flattering

  2. To be fair I always try to miss the opening act when I go to a show too lol

    Taylor and her don't share the same audience I know a lot of people thought this would be a big platform for her but they don't even make the same type of music it was a good move in hindsight but terrible for her branding along with girls

  3. Does anyone else think late 2016/early 2017 was one of the more depressing periods in charli's life she suddenly gained cystic acne which she never had even while a teen and lost tons of weight although I don't know what the reason was

  4. Girls is terrible she needs to up her standards on collabs

    No collabs with people like areola either she should collab with people who fit her sound

  5. Can y'all stop being so damn judgmental?? Just because someone is bearded and old does not automatically him "creepy" or "pedophilic" like wtf let him enjoy Charli as much as we do he's not hurting anyone. We might be skinny twinks now but I bet your ass in 40 years we're all gonna look like him

    I agree about the pedophile comment and I've defended him before act but his twitter is filled with nothing but charli and he's on every related video on yt it is a bit creepy tbh

  6. im Iegit scared for her safety...what if he kidnaps here when she's at taco beII or something....its not Iike she has 24/7 security :ohno:  :ohno:  :ohno:

    she likes older dudes they can get married
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