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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. CharIi is honestIy one of the best pop singer-songwriters EVER......its a crime how underrated she is.....it makes me angry/sad :crossed:

    Like even her unreIeased songs are fucking GREAT.....she NEVER has dissapointed me...aII of her stuff is a 10/10 to me  :wowcry:

    I've never had this with any other artist in my Iife :oprah:


    right? omg that guy's twitter is insane.....he has 2 charIi tattoos  :defeated:  :toofunny:  :deadbanana:

    is he a member here? Lol

  2. My top 10 Charli songs taste but where's stay away



    •  Set Me Free
    •  You Ha Ha Ha
    •  Need Ur Luv
    •  Vroom Vroom
    •  Dreamer
    •  Roll With Me
    •  Gold Coins
    •  Lipgloss
    •  Breaking Up
    •  TKO

  3. I will not tolerate how can I slander also I can't wait for her to move on from pc tbh it was fun while it lasted and I liked the music but it's time for something new so she can add depth to her lyrics again not just dumb party bops

  4. well i honestly dont give a damn about what y'all decide to cover it's just annoying seeing this thread being updated evey minute with nothing new about charli songs or her music projects. it's just y'all spamming your stuff which is boring after a bit

    fair enough I've only done it once but I'll refrain from doing it in the future here promise

  5. um....maybe....what song? cIoud aura?.....send me the brooke verse with no autotune  :hooker:

    Oo that would be good I could record my vocals maybe next Saturday I only record when no ones in the house lol

  6. Hi guys back here can someone send me the No angel instrumental I want to edit it and put my own pop 2 spin on it and do a cover like I'd give you credit but I understand if the person who made it doesn't want to

  7. Hi guys just came on to say I probs won't be on here for awhile taking a break and this is one of the only reasons I'm on the site now I like Lana but she's become so boring lately and has lost the magic for me a bit and charli always keeps things fresh and exciting anyway merry almost Christmas

  8. I..........yes.  :defeated: I complain all the fucking time about how she hasn't had her natural hair since SuperLove  :(  she was the first person who inspired me to take the time to figure out my curls instead of straightening/ponytails  :(

    I was so suprised to find out that even those are slightly looser than her actual ones https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=charli+xcx+curls&client=ms-android-htc-rev&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw2oH88JbYAhVB2aQKHcVeA9cQ_AUIESgB&biw=360&bih=511#imgrc=rAIZae3NKuJzRM: she said she stopped wearing them like this because people screamed lorde at her

  9. I love you omg I was gonna come correct this...you literally cannot brush curly hair without it looking like shit, period. If we wanna drag Charli's hair we can talk about her horrendous buns that she finally, thank God, nixed with her newest haircut  :flutter:

    I wish she'd stop straightening it for once sometimes she hasn't had it natural in years

  10. she literally looked the most disheveled during the sucker era

    she wouldn't brush her hair, she always looked tired, and would only wear a slip dress and a choker


    side note since were talking about Charli's looks, she really cleared up her skin this year

    I felt so bad for her when she had to do ATAP press with breakouts all over her cheeks (I know from experience how bad having acne can be) 

    I'm happy for her  :flutter:

    if you're talking about her hair it looked nice it's called curls if you brush them they frizz unless you wet your hair and lookswise she put the most effort in however I disagree with these comments as her skin has drastically improved and she's always been beautiful

  11. We really don't bring it up often enough that she was involved with the Angry Birds movie

    all her lines were cut lmao the sucker era was so weird all she ever wore was slip dresses and looked bored constantly.
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