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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. Let me tell you something about Lizzy Grant. We were best friends in middle school. I know, right? It's so embarrassing. I don't even... Whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend K who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Indiana, and Lizzy was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with K, she'd be like, "Why didn't you call me back?" And I'd be like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?" So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like, "Lizzy, I can't invite you, because I think you're lesbian." I mean I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There were gonna be girls there in their *bathing suits*. I mean, right? She was a LESBIAN. So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her, it was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her, and she came back in the fall for high school, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she's on crack  :creepna:



    no but srsly, I heard about Lana Jan/Feb 2012 :P 



    & I love you. 

  2. I don't understand people who talk about Gaga don't have good lyrics. She is even better and better each album.

    'I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.'


    yeah, great lyrics. 

  3. It is the BTW tour? :awkney:


     I haven't had the chance but I have watched it countless times on youtube. Not even I like the delusional fans tbh u_u. Even if it is really exaggerated there is kind of an union between the fans and her. Childish but it doesn't mean it is not there.

    I am not saying Lana did not achieve a lot, she really did and I love her, but it is ridiculous to compare both of them even like this. Gaga(which was also nobody)'s two first singles reached number one in the US which has the largest music market in the world ( not saying that shit like this counts. charts are kind of stupid tbh). Not even going to talk about the other. If you are really giving arguments like these you really have no idea of who Gaga is and what she has truly accomplished. Not wanting to be mean but next to Gaga, Lana is nothing... ( it doesn't make her less of an artistm we are just talking about accomplishments and popularity).


    We have different opinions, that's fine. In some ways gaga as accomplished more, and in some ways Lana has accomplished more. I respect what Lana has accomplished, and I feel she's worked hard to get where she is now. I see her as accomplishing more. You don't. That is fine. I actually do think gaga has a lot of talent, but to me... she gets a little ridiculous and is too preachy. I actually had a gay friend who loved her, and now can't stand her. You know why? Because he said she was too preachy, with her gay rights activism. And the thing is, there's nothing wrong with working on gay rights, but to me it seems so fake and I feel like she uses it to get fans. Another thing. She ate too much at her parents restaurant and gained some weight. She got some heavy media attention, so she tried to spew some 'body revolution' crap to make herself and her fans feel better. And as for her fanbase, I can't stand them. I think they're worse than beliebers or directioners. You like her, fine. I  actually like a lot of her songs, but I find it hard to really listen to her now and I don't think she's had anything great recently either.


    That is all.

  4. Yeah, it was kind of irritating but she's already stopped with that Mother bullshit :) No preaching in ARTPOP :) ( but the BTW era did help a lot of people tbh)

    You are kidding right?


    Mh, maybe I worded things wrong. I suppose gaga has accomplished more in terms of record sales, in $ she's made over all and number of fans  But when you think about it, in Lana's careerer she's done more in a year than gaga did in 3 years. 



    • A nobody, gone famous in a matter of months. A video that got her noticed, with more than 30 million video views. 
    • Debut record hitting number 1 in more than 10 countries.
    • Going by facebook likes alone, we can say she has 2,997,689 and more

    I think Lana here in this case, is more of a true artist and more dedicated to her work and just a good person who's been working for a while. So, what I was trying to say- is that what Lana has accomplished is a lot more well deserved and coming from a person who's been working for years, I can respect this a lot more. And may I remind you, her rise to fame started late 2011. She's still very new the music world.

  5. Gaga is fucking flawless, and has achieved and will achieve more than Lana ever will. Haters stay pressed. ;)




    What are you talking about? Gaga may be bigger, but Lana has accomplished a lot more!


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