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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. -I kind wish she stayed Lana Del Ray. I like 'Ray' much more than 'Rey' 

    -I like video games, but it's nothing great. I don't see how it's a 'masterpiece'. 

    -Lately Lana hasn't been looking very attractive- she's been looking tired and pale. Maybe she should go back to auburn hair. It would make her more youthful looking.

    -I love Lucky ones.

    -I hate Blue Jeans.



  2. Which songs do you think are good? This could save you, answer wisely.

    Also, not to be anything other than the ~friendliest and most helpful :cuteface: :cuteface: :cuteface:~ member, but why the hell would you buy an album before you had at least a vague idea of whether or not you'd like it???


    Die Young, Past Lives. - And I use to be a huge Kesha fan actually. Some of my friends said it was a good album, and I heard some snippets on the internet, thought it sounded good. So... I bought the album. 


    Beautiful Life & Crazy kids have 


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