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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. Yeah but as you said, the thread was about analyzing her lyrics; what does posting old pictures of her and screenshots of her not liking lady gaga have anything to do with her lyrics? I'm sure plenty of those things were not easily found so you obviously went above and beyond and dug them out to get to know more about her. I'm sure she didn't want some of that information to be known either.


    Girl, did I say that? I'm making a point that I AM A FAN and usually with fans we would like to get to know more about the people we are FANS OF.


    You do know Lana use to be really easy to reach out to... and still is in many ways. Just a couple months ago you could of commented on her facebook status and she would reply. Just a couple months ago you could of messaged her on youtube and she'd respond. In several interviews she's stated she doesn't really use social media that much. Only as a promotional tool. So maybe she doesn't respond to all her fans tweets. Does she have to? No... not really. So just because she doesn't reach out to her fans on twitter and other social media websites any more, doesn't mean she doesn't reach out to the fans. Because she does.

  2. I really didn't like her at first, I heard about her on MTV and all the buzz about her. So I googled 'Lana Del Rey' and I saw the thumbnail for the born to die video. I was like 'What the fuck is this shit?". I watched the video, well only a bit. I thought she was dark and depressing. But later that week I watched the video again and I started liking it... I kept on singing it.. and I bought her album and BOOM.


    I love her now. <3

  3. 1-If you had the chance to go back to normal, take all the fame away, would you and why?

    2-Do you want kids?

    3-Is there other videos you made for the songs on btd that you have not released?

    4-Do you know about some of your older songs like 'Munny Hunny' leaking? How do you feel about leaking in general?

    5-Is your song American about barrie? (Doubt she'd answer that tbh)

    6-Do you watch a lot of tv? What are your favourite TV shows?

    7-Is K dead? (doubt she'd answer that too)

    8-Which music video (not including the homemade ones) are you most proud of?

    9-What's your least favourite song on BTD?


    And, yeah...


    Me: Hi, Lana, very nice to meet you. Please sit down. May I call you Lizzy?

    Lana: :ermm: Sure, honey. What are you going to ask me?

    Me: Well, Lizzy, first, I must say that this is a huge honor. I'm a huge fan, I used to be on a Lana Del Rey forum, ran a Lana blog, and everything.


    Lana: K :isee: What are you going to ask me?

    Me: OK, let's begin then.


    1. You've made a lot of comments in recent interviews that indicate that you are sort of finished with America. What do you have to say to your American fans who helped make Born to Die the fourth best selling album of the year?


    2. What is it about death that entices you? Is that something of which you have a lot of experience with?


    3. If you could choose how your life would be in 5 years, what would it be like? Are you still working, having children, or traveling, etc.?


    4. There has been a lot of controversy on the internet regarding your unreleased music leaking, even an album of which you wrote at a very young age. Do you feel- sort of- exposed (lol) with all of this music out there? Do you think any of the music will be used in the future? (I'd mention some of my favorites I.E. You can be the boss, never let me go, etc etc)


    5. A lot of what you do is rather ambiguous, and it seems like you kind of like it that way. However, a lot of fans want to know- what is the meaning behind the Summertime Sadness video?


    6. There was great controversy when you appeared on SNL. One newscaster called it "the worst outing on SNL ever." It seems as though this one incident and the media following it has caused you to sort of drift from America, even though you do have a strong fan base here. Do you think you'd ever appear on SNL again, if asked? Are you afraid of negative reviews?


    7. Many people call your music "anti-feminism", mistakenly I must say, as the very forefront idea of feminism is that a woman should be able to do as she likes. In addition, you won GQ's woman of the year and appeared nude on the cover, when all the other winners appeared clothed. Do you think the industry is tougher for women?


    8. Who are some of your favorite female artists and influences?


    9. What are your favorite beauty products? What type of hair fall do you use?


    *Bonus question: You seem to have a distaste for live performances but enjoy being with your fans and bonding with them. What is it about performing live that bothers you?


    LBR she'd walk out before answering any of these questions, except maybe the last two. And she'd repeatedly ask me "Do you really like my music" to which I'd sing "Everything I want I have- Money, Notoriety, and Rivieras" so she knows that I actually listen to it.


    These questions...


  4. Britney!


    Would you rather have a missing finger or have an extra toe? :eek:


    Missing Finger.


    Would you rather watch two close friends being murdered, or eat feces for a week?



    Im awful at these tbh


  5. There was this 'Video Games-Born This Way Remix' video, and Lana actually commented on it. Something like.. "Fuck. I actually like it' I saw a screen cap. The video was deleted though.

    But yeah, I don't think she likes her tbh. I don't think she likes Katy Perry either.

  6. She has a beautiful voice, one that has brought on the tears sometimes. I think I can relate to some of the things she sings about, and it's even better she writes her own songs. She's talented, a really kind person with a very interesting past and I really think she's sincere and loves her fans. Plus she's attractive...

  7. you could be right...since reeve and arthur weren't featured in magazines back then (unless she's referring to underground zines, but i doubt it), it could certainly be about jimmy. he started to get some music media attention back in 2001, so it could mean that it's not that he's just started to get famous, but that he just won't share that spotlight with her, because he won't make it "official" (like acknowledging her publicly as his girlfriend and taking her to events). i've kind of been there and it's an amalgam (shout out to sitar!) of irritation and nostalgia seeing someone who ultimately didn't choose you in national publications :pft:




    nope, she looks for HIM in magazines and begs for him to give her the brite lites. if they were hers, and not the other way around, she wouldn't demand to be given them.


    Well, now she has the brite lites. :grinds:

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