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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. I got dragged off to jail. Not even sure what I did other than try to jump Elle, run up on stage to abuse the crowd for not voting for me, attempt to burn the building down, and then try to storm back inside with a gun... smh. Life is so unfair. @Veinsineon and @Embach are on a threeway call with me giving me live updates about the show bc theyre queens
  2. girl, did you think I was joking when I said I was gonna burn the event hall down- the other bitches are dead!
  3. Live reports from the Lipsters indicate that @Psychedelic Pussy was dragged outside by police officers after trying to beat up 111 on stage as he went to collect his award
  4. the way I ended a certain squid & his cronies.. and now im coming back to end all of those who stood between me and the Best PFP & Worst Username awards....
  5. I guess I have to resort to other methods.
  6. Following an extremely loud bang inside the Lipster's award show hall and a symphony of screaming inside the building, @Psychedelic Pussy was spotted outside the event show. When asked about the Lipster's building being on fire and attendees possibly burning to death inside, she told reporters "No comment."
  7. im actually starting to think it WAS me
  8. the way in every photo you’re just holding ONE award. it’s not adding up..
  9. OMG this that fat smelly bitch who gave me pneumonia!
  10. The way everyone was predicting an @Embach sweep… But it’s an @Elle sweep
  11. not 5 of us ready to jump her oh she’s going to be dead
  12. oh @Elle after the show you better have security chaperone you bc me and @Veinsineon are gonna jump you girl….
  13. this would MAKE my entire night at the Lipsters…..
  15. my eyes are up here ladies.. ntm on my voluptuous tatas
  16. Girl both of the categories I was nominated for have been called
  18. oh the way I snorted SO loud just now the way these are the funniest fucking LB moments of my life
  19. Trying so hard to keep it together in the crowd after losing both of my noms this year and we’re not even 30 mins into the show…
  20. Y’all don’t deserve all of this luscious… psychedelic… poosay…..
  21. Oh! Not the way I had my acceptance photo ready in the velvet lavender gown I saved just for my award. Maybe I’ll have to cat fight @Elle when she goes for a bathroom break and steal her award
  22. Nervously awaiting whether my name gets called for best pfp…
  23. i had to put them in after I heard 111’s hard drive and it made me go deaf
  24. shock and horror from the crowd as @Psychedelic Pussy herself storms the stage to call everyone “A bunch of fat smelly cunts” for not voting her for worst username, one of just two nominations she received at this years awards. She reportedly said “not even a runner up?” as Elle called security on stage to drag her away
  25. Live shot of me watching @Embach and @Surf Noir accept their awards
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