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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. yea but this was prior to her post which imo basically confirmed it. I mean posting her on stage at coachella, to the track coachella… girl. She ain’t even trying to be subtle LOL
  2. Lmao she’s def doing coachella did y’all see her new post?
  3. Psychedelic Pussy


    isn’t this an insane misrepresentation of her words like perhaps the exact kind she talked about in her post
  4. Psychedelic Pussy


    She chooses her words rly poorly and sometimes sounds cringe but she’s well-intentioned ig
  5. no cause fr some of y’all are INSANE. IM projecting?
  6. im not accusing someone of being a terrible person and being like “well I still think you could be a terrible person!” over literally using a wrong pronoun by mistake. Absolute weirdo behaviour, it’s giving chronically online, obtuse, friendless twink
  7. girl one day you’re going to be old and wrinkled and in a nursing home & I hope you remember that u spent ur days harassing ppl for using the wrong pronouns & accusing them of being non binary -phobic like get a fucking JOB you soulless cretin
  8. just said I wasnt nonbinary-intolerant or whatever the FUCK you want to call it & that I simply forgot that they use they/them pronouns what the fuck. But whatever feeds your deranged narrative that everyone is out to get the theys or something. Girl fuck you.
  9. ksksksksks is that @ me? Genuinely forgot THEY are nonbinary. Even still that has nothing to do w the fact that the song is dogshit….. like?
  10. the whats-his-name collab was just shit. It has nothing to do with the fact that he’s hideous, or your perception that the people who dislike it are somehow homophobic or something, it’s just a shit collab- he really doesn’t have a good voice idk it doesn’t work for a lot of songs. Sue me!
  11. right?!? Like literally that’s why I need an extended version. I need that bridge n transcendental instrumental there to go on for MUCH longer. Such a beautiful beautiful song. N it’s so crazy it took like 6 months to click for me!
  12. Oh, if only the umbrella of the sky could wrap us up.. and up thats where I’d zooooooom in close dilated as your eyes until then I’ll keep it brief
  13. I need a 10 min extended version of butterfly net. The bridge makes me want to cry omg
  14. Ok thank god Americans are aware of how inept Biden is bc I honestly thought it was only countries outside of America that were actively reporting on his dementia/alzheimers, frailty, constantly saying incorrect things etc etc i feel like I see barely any American news outlets posting about that kinda stuff but here we see every single thing about it lol. Oh how I wish Sanders had won the nomination back then
  15. girl it was crazy. Altho I’m not rly complaining bc I’m a total homebody and I was vibing the whole time. But it’s insane to look back on it and think about how fucked up it all was. And now we have thousands of new covid cases a day (probably tens of thousands!) and no one really gives a fuck anymore lmao…. Insane
  16. she’ll be back with them in just another 8 years girlie be patient x
  17. yeah Australian govt response to the pandemic was way too heavy handed imo. Being stuck inside my house for 3-6 months (twice i think) except to go get essentials or go for a run was v fucked up. but having a gun wouldn’t have helped you in that situation here bc you would’ve gone to prison for a long time for murder lmfaoo? school shootings not being a concern for you bc you homeschool =\= school shootings not being a huge issue in america also blaming violence on fatherlessness when you in the same breath call yourself a single mother is so funny omg. Maybe the schools should be indoctrinating your kids idk. Also idk what medications are making people violent. Drugs? Sure. Mental health medications? It’s not adding up anyway this thread is getting so derailed so quickly sorry y’all!
  18. y’all shoulda done what australia did with guns yeaaaaaars ago. (I know this would be monumentally difficult to implement in a gun-worshipping, crime-riddled country of 300mil, but even so) Thank god I never had to worry about whether I would be shot dead at my school when I was a kid
  19. I think a lot of ppl would tbh. Tons of young ppl would be forced to leave their countries or just kill themselves in order to avoid the potential of getting lifelong trauma or being brutally murdered in war.
  20. honestly while on the topic of war, my biggest fear is mandatory conscription like I’m not even joking I would kill myself, like actually KILL myself if I was forced to join the military lmao. No Thankyou!
  21. Idk if anywhere is safe imo. ofc America is a burning hellfire and anyone there SHOULD consider moving to a better country- but if we end up in a new world war there’s no telling which countries will be safe to live in anymore. If any! I guess it’s time for all the LB gays and girlies to relocate to a random island and start our own civilisation
  22. ooh girl the point about better gun legislation is so true lmao. American politicians don’t want to see proper gun reform until their own start dying lmfaooo. girl we’re probably on a FBI watch list for these posts but fr… whoever clocks trump/biden/Elon/bezos/rothschilds etc etc has my heart
  23. on a related note it’s so crazy to me how many crazy people with guns there are in America….. like……. How are political murders not occurring weekly not saying I would condone it…………… but
  24. All this and it still feels like we got nothing of any real substance …. Yes but her lyrics used to be GOOD. ijbol
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