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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. yes!! I barely gave it a listen but now I’m really appreciating it. I just wish Lana’s voice was more audible so I could know what she was singing
  2. imo every side has a weak song side A: sweet side B: literally two interludes side C: fingertips out of the four tbh even tho it goes alright side D: fishtails or Margaret depending on your taste
  3. Wait cause wasn’t there a “surprise” of “new music” teased by Kintsugi ? Wonder if maybe we ARE getting the screamo track. Omg… ocean blvd 3am Heatwave edition,,, manifesting
  4. Theory: NFR ended with Hope, which was a sound and writing style she then explored heavily in her next two albums this album ends on fishtail, peppers and then TT x VB. The sound for the next record ? I pray
  5. We need a whole album of peppers, A&W, taco truck & fishtail type songs. If she brought out a full psychedelic rock / trip hop / surf album lives would be ENDED
  6. i hope on release day she has a taco truck & hands out free tacos and signs records even tho I’m not even in Cali
  7. So insiders obviously have access to the screamo song…. I hope it leaks or we at least get a snippet or something. It deserves to be in the hands of the paris, peppers, taco truck, a&w and fishtail stans!
  8. didn’t make it a personal attack, don’t victimise urself babes felt like posting it here was the most appropriate place, didn’t occur to me to dm you tbh don’t take it the wrong way! but anyway there are plenty of people that have posted similar comments to mine and haven’t received a WP or put on mod queue, hence why I think it was unfair and can come across as targeted ! Especially for saying something as mundane as ‘(x song) is amazing/magnificent/serving’ which a ton of ppl have and are saying w/out spoilers and I’m sure even you know that it’s unreasonable to enforce such general, spoiler-free statements to be spoilered. Either way, just comes across as a bit OTT. I would understand if I had made numerous posts detailing lyrics in part or in full, or describing in depth her vocals or the production etc etc but all of my comments were pretty general statements.
  9. Everyone? Actually not true. And many people are making comments without spoilers that are nearly identical to the ones I posted without spoilers that I got a WP for, but I guess I’ll give you time to hand out WPs to the dozen or so users from the last few pages I see doing the same thing ??
  10. Hey ladies make sure you do not make comments EVEN general ones saying “this song is a serve” or “this instrumental is magnificent” etc because I just got a WP for doing so and now a mod has to approve all my posts! Amazing is half the active LB users about to be struck down with WPs too? Lmao
  11. Question for the mods: I thought we only had to use spoilers if we’re discussing details of the songs e.g lyrics or sounds, not if we’re just saying something general e.g “instrumental is serving” (vague) or “(x song) is impeccable” I’ve been giving a WP for some mod adding 10(?) spoilers to recent posts at least 8 or 9 of which I do not think constitute spoilers whatsoever lmao. So egregious, and now my posts need to be approved by a moderator before I post? Ridiculous are these WPs being applied across the board or am I being targeted lmao? Like majority of the things I posted were SO general and not even worthy of being in a spoiler otherwise I would’ve done so. Just seems so OTT.. and before someone/Elle/whoever tries to @ me about how the mods are so hardworking and blah blah blah and try to subtle drag me for those lanaboards likes- I’m here for a legitimate explanation, I don’t even really care but it seems like someone has an axe to grind w me and it’s kinda laughable ?? Don’t know if someone’s just being trigger happy or overly cautious or what. anyway here’s some examples of the comments that got spoilered & WP i just don’t think any of that constitutes a WP lmfao let alone a mod going in to edit it & add spoilers. Maybe for like ONE of the posts, majority of people are going to say, especially on their first listen, that an instrumental or song served, or call it incredible. I hardly think that spoils anyone else’s listening experience whatsoever, nor is it necessary to haphazardly apply a WP over & put someone on mod approval for their posts lmao
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