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The Greatest

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Everything posted by The Greatest

  1. Yeah I just was seeing a million different things! I saw someone else say we won’t get another update tonight and others saying it’s still coming. I hope they give another report tonight!
  2. People are also saying GA might flip. The votes left to be counted are all from Atlanta ?
  3. Basically, there is still 11% of the vote to count in PA, and because mail in ballots are going to be counted last, many think it’s going to swing blue
  4. LMAO I meant that it was called for Biden I’ve heard to Michigan before ?
  5. The way that I found out about Michigan from this thread rip
  6. Oh my god the last few girlies are taking their sweet time
  7. Fox News called for arizona so it’s not even partisan at this point. I think CNN and others are just trying to be careful after all the flip flopping and subsequent chaos that ensued after the bush/gore election when outlets called it early in favor of gore
  8. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are not comparable levels of bad. Donald trump is racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ, and a pathological liar. Say what you will about joe Biden, and I will likely agree with you on it, but someone who is neutral and wishy washy is certainly better than a pathological narcissist
  9. I’ve heard a lot about how being pro fetus is the perfect victim because a fetus can’t speak up for itself, hold its speaker to account, question its speakers motives, etc. and it’s so true. They use it as a political vehicle but they deny people who are living the right to continue living time and time again. It’s hypocrisy at its finest. It’s greed, hatred of women, racist, I could go on.
  10. As a woman who is studying law, who wants to be something, who never wants kids or a family, all of this is terrifying. I always knew my body wasn’t my own. It was never treated that way. But this all makes it ever more poignant
  11. So many people don’t understand that their aunts, mothers, and sisters have had abortions and that it was the right choice for them. So many people don’t understand that late term abortion only happens when there are no other options—no one would possibly wait that long. The Republican Party capitalizes on that ignorant to convince uninformed religious voters to make abortion the one issue the vote upon, because they know if everyone voted based solely on their own interest they would only get turn out from the 1%
  12. It definitely makes sense because about 70% of Americans support keeping roe. Republicans don’t care what people actually want
  13. Which is fucking crazy; especially if you’re interested in reducing abortion rates. But they aren’t. They want to control women’s bodies
  14. Not that I wasn’t wrong, but I’ve clearly been through enough tonight
  15. Ugh so sorry I assumed your gender. The shart distracted me from my default wokedness
  16. Ugh glad I have an educated king to keep me from hyperventilating into a paper bag
  17. Everyone on this forum > the general pop. Lana stans should decide the election
  18. Why does it make me feel better that Biden will at least win the popular
  19. Let’s do this on the merits I’m a good cook and I’ll suck a dick if I’m forced
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