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The Greatest

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Everything posted by The Greatest

  1. How do you guys know who is producing the American standards album
  2. How do cabinet appointments normally work with an opposing senate? would they confirm any dem?
  3. I'm hoping she gets a cabinet position (is that plausible?)
  4. The impact on climate change and healthcare likely would make up for it tbh
  5. I'm not spiritual or anything, but I wonder if all of these terrible things were just what had to happen to get this outcome
  6. For the hardest year of my life by a mile, getting good news like this is so emotional. Hopefully we can finally try to heal from all the hurt that’s happened.
  7. Ugh I thought there was supposed to be one at midnight
  8. Nevada looking good-- Biden has one point above trump with 87% reporting
  9. I thought the next ballot drop was supposed to be at 10:30 but maybe I made that up UPDATE: it's actually noon today
  10. I know I had this nightmare realization last night. yikes.
  11. What time today are PA/Nevada/arizona releasing more info?
  12. Oh yeah I totally agree there’s no valid legal claim but he’s hoping the Supreme Court would rig it for him and
  13. I’m worried he’s not going to accept it. He’s been sending out campaign emails about how dems are “stealing the election with absentee ballots.” As if he doesn’t vote absentee and as if there is any evidence absentee voting leads to fraud
  14. Yeah I just was seeing a million different things! I saw someone else say we won’t get another update tonight and others saying it’s still coming. I hope they give another report tonight!
  15. People are also saying GA might flip. The votes left to be counted are all from Atlanta ?
  16. Basically, there is still 11% of the vote to count in PA, and because mail in ballots are going to be counted last, many think it’s going to swing blue
  17. LMAO I meant that it was called for Biden I’ve heard to Michigan before ?
  18. The way that I found out about Michigan from this thread rip
  19. Oh my god the last few girlies are taking their sweet time
  20. Fox News called for arizona so it’s not even partisan at this point. I think CNN and others are just trying to be careful after all the flip flopping and subsequent chaos that ensued after the bush/gore election when outlets called it early in favor of gore
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